questions about bud rot


Active Member
im starting to get real paranoid about this. does the bud have to be fully grown for it to rot? or can it occur while preflowering or even in the middle stages?


Well-Known Member
the only way it will rot is if it is in high humidity and lots of rain....or many days of rain in a row while's all about moisture...Example: If my buds were 6 weeks into flowering and there was a big rain storm one day..I would go out and shake the the plant to get the excess water off so that mold would not form...the air dries the rest...keep an eye on them and you will have no probnlem


Well-Known Member
I agree with artbud on the humidity, however there can be some other factors as well. Any dead tissue will promote rot of any kind. So always be sure to remove dead leaves from plants immediately. Also I have seen budworms be a cause as well. They eat away at the bud leaving dead tissue in there wake (this can cause rot) and they leave their poop behind as well and for some reason I think this can be a cause as well. Maybe it has some moisture or something in it. There are some different types of sprays (organic and chemical) you can get for mold and rot. Just be careful you do not use them too late into flowering.


Active Member
gracias por tu feedback.

im more worried about it being out of my control. i am willing to put in the work if it is in my control, like shaking excess water off plants. my worries are that the bud will rot regardless of what i do to prevent it due to some unforeseen circumstance. is there anyway to help it out if it does gut humid? i live in toronto, ontario which anyone whos been here will tell you is humid like hell is hot.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
gracias por tu feedback.

im more worried about it being out of my control. i am willing to put in the work if it is in my control, like shaking excess water off plants. my worries are that the bud will rot regardless of what i do to prevent it due to some unforeseen circumstance. is there anyway to help it out if it does gut humid? i live in toronto, ontario which anyone whos been here will tell you is humid like hell is hot.

All you can do is try to plant in a place that gets lots a good breeze. If you planted in a swamp you have a lot to worry about.