questions about diy ebb n flow

so im makin a homemade setup and have a few questions. When all is built ready to go, when u put the plants in wont those plants not have enough root to hit the water? what if u added another air stone in the tray? would that increase efficientcy? more oxygen to the roots? i welcome all feedback on ur opinion. Would it be better to throw in another pump and make it a drip system as well as flood/drain?.


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't they have enough roots to hit the water? You are flooding the pot thus bringing the water to the roots.

Airstone in the tray? Why? The tray/table is usually drained of water. You should have an airstone in your res for sure.

Drip sucks. Just my opinion. Are those plants in your avatar yours? I suggest you stick with the method that got you those. :D
Why wouldn't they have enough roots to hit the water? You are flooding the pot thus bringing the water to the roots. Airstone in the tray? Why? The tray/table is usually drained of water. You should have an airstone in your res for sure. Drip sucks. Just my opinion. Are those plants in your avatar yours? I suggest you stick with the method that got you those. :D
yea those are mine. Im very good at growin soil. Just lookin for a new faster method. From what i got out of my understanding is the tray is constantly full up to to overflow drain? that would explain my airstone question. Haha . Do you only run the water pump on a timer to fill the tray then let it drain?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. you would drown your plants if you ran the flood constantly! I use a timer and flood 3 times a day. Most timers have 15 minute intervals. That's all you need. Some folks only flood twice or even once a day if your medium retains water like rockwool.

Yeah, I knew the airstone question was a red flag you needed a little conceptual help.

I suck at soil but I'm pretty good at flood and drain, so check my grow out, I'm subscribed to this thread, so if you have more questions just write em here. depending on your goals, once you are dialed in hydro is much less work than soil. Faster too.