Questions about growing in oregon

Howdy folks, I'm planning on moving to oregon in about 18 months to pursue legal growing, do you think its fesiable to pay for a teir 1 liscene, buy/rent enough space to run a 5000 sq foot grow with enough room for drying and curing , and fund all of the associated costs like electricity and the like, with about 40,000 dollars in capital. Also is there anything I should know, I'm pretty sure I'm tracking all the requirments and I'm aware that things might change between now and then but I'm looking for any practical advice from anyone who knows, thanks a bunch!
Howdy folks, I'm planning on moving to oregon in about 18 months to pursue legal growing, do you think its fesiable to pay for a teir 1 liscene, buy/rent enough space to run a 5000 sq foot grow with enough room for drying and curing , and fund all of the associated costs like electricity and the like, with about 40,000 dollars in capital. Also is there anything I should know, I'm pretty sure I'm tracking all the requirments and I'm aware that things might change between now and then but I'm looking for any practical advice from anyone who knows, thanks a bunch!

What's your experience with cannabis? Picking up and moving to start a grow like that is not easy, there's always something new you need and things can go wrong in an instant. I would also forget about renting, buy if possible. Last year I tried doing a pretty large scale grow by myself and it was way too much work. I was up before the sun and outside in the darkness rushing to finish. Help is also hard to find ! So I would think long and hard before making a big move like this, there are so many things to consider than just papers.
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What's your experience with cannabis? Picking up and moving to start a grow like that is not easy, there's always something new you need and things can go wrong in an instant. I would also forget about renting, buy if possible. Last year I tried doing a pretty large scale grow by myself and it was way too much work. I was up before the sun and outside in the darkness rushing to finish. Help is also hard to find ! So I would think long and hard before making a big move like this, there are so many things to consider than just papers.
Iv'e got decent expierence, about 4 outdoor and 1 indoor, but itl have been about 3 years once I get back to doing it, I'm not too concerned about that, as far as picking up and moving I'm gone for work all the time so its not so much Id be selling all my stuff and driving cross country more just chooseing a new place to settle down, I'm mostly concerned about any curve balls that I havnt caught on too like I know your operation has to be 1000 feet away from any schools, is it hard finding real estate thats zoned apporpriatly? Also what does the land need to be zoned as, commercial or agricultural etc, Im curious to those things because Im working on trying to get a ballpark budget together and so I'd like to check the price of appropriate locations, also do you think/know if theres appropriately set up buildings and wether it would be easier to buy one or cheaper/easier to have one built specifically for cultivation?
Lot of people looking at this and the market is flooded right now. Don't look at the dispensary price because that price is way out of line to what reality is.
By dispensary price do you mean the price theyre paying for product or the startup price of starting one
Not to be a downer here, but something to consider.... With the incoming administration I'd be very hesitant to throw a lot of capital into a legal grow. With Jeff Sessions being appointed as the next Attorney General (a man who was quoted as saying "good people don't use marijuana...") I think legal cannabis is in for a very rough time. He has made no secret of his dislike for cannabis and his desire to roll back the wave of legal reform we've seen in recent years. IMO the only chance we have of not seeing a return to prohibition is the fact the many conservatives deeply value states rights and claim to dislike excessive federal oversight. That being said, you may want to hold off for a while before sinking all that money into something that may be illegal 18 months from now.
Not to be a downer here, but something to consider.... With the incoming administration I'd be very hesitant to throw a lot of capital into a legal grow. With Jeff Sessions being appointed as the next Attorney General (a man who was quoted as saying "good people don't use marijuana...") I think legal cannabis is in for a very rough time. He has made no secret of his dislike for cannabis and his desire to roll back the wave of legal reform we've seen in recent years. IMO the only chance we have of not seeing a return to prohibition is the fact the many conservatives deeply value states rights and claim to dislike excessive federal oversight. That being said, you may want to hold off for a while before sinking all that money into something that may be illegal 18 months from now.
For sure no investments will be actually made for at least another 16 months I'm just trying to figure out the financial fesability before hand and see if I'm missing anything as far as how things there work, it seems they have the least regulations and restrictions out of all the states
For sure no investments will be actually made for at least another 16 months I'm just trying to figure out the financial fesability before hand and see if I'm missing anything as far as how things there work, it seems they have the least regulations and restrictions out of all the states
I can't argue with due diligence. Always good to do your homework. I have no large scale/commercial experience so I'll leave that to the big boys, just thought I'd put it out there as it seems a lot of people are conspicuously NOT talking about how much we, as cannabis enthusiasts and medicinal users, stand to lose in the coming months and years.
I'm just going to look at it every once in a while to keep my hopes up. I don't have anywhere near the faith you do that the cannabis reform movement won't take serious hits with a staunchly anti cannabis attorney general at the wheel. the only thing that has stopped the feds from going after legal growers and dispensaries is the Obama administration's decision to leave them alone. you really think that mandate will stand?
Even when they were raiding dispensaries they only hit some they didn't shut down the industry ever. Legal pot still existed before, after, and during those actions. Marijuana has been becoming legal for over 15 years. If the big pharmaceutical can't stop the people neither can a couple new heads in the government. Especially after all this momentum. You're fear mongering yourself i believe. Glad i can be of spirit lifting assistance :D lol
Even when they were raiding dispensaries they only hit some they didn't shut down the industry ever. Legal pot still existed before, after, and during those actions. Marijuana has been becoming legal for over 15 years. If the big pharmaceutical can't stop the people neither can a couple new heads in the government. Especially after all this momentum. You're fear mongering yourself i believe. Glad i can be of spirit lifting assistance :D lol
I don't know if I'm fear mongering myself necessarily.. lol! But I definitely have a healthy amount of scepticism with a dash of paranoia thrown in for luck. Probably not a bad thing, all things considered. Mainly I just do not trust politicians or the corporations that line their pockets. As you stated, big pharma (as well as the alcohol Industry) are chomping at the bit to hinder cannabis legalization and now that they have support from the big players within the incoming administration I see a full court press coming. I really, really hope you're right.
Won't ever do you much good...

Look - the states like the money but they like corporate money more than small growers rights. All of this is moving towards big corporate grow with pesticide and shitty weed. Colorado is being sued by neighboring states saying MJ is causing them problems. The only thing Colo has going for it is it is in the state constitution.

Nobody says the real reason why we are in Afghaistan and why heroin is super plentiful and an epidemic especially in the NE USA. MJ is not heroin.
Those lawsuits were thrown out immediately. No legal presidence to sue.
Pesticides and contaminants will be a non issue with more States moving toward strict testing policies and the best companies choosing to scrutinize their product regardless of law. Our subculture will not settle for a quality drop. That's the best part of this industry, it has a tenancy to weed out the bs..see what i did there ;)
Iv'e got decent expierence, about 4 outdoor and 1 indoor, but itl have been about 3 years once I get back to doing it, I'm not too concerned about that, as far as picking up and moving I'm gone for work all the time so its not so much Id be selling all my stuff and driving cross country more just chooseing a new place to settle down, I'm mostly concerned about any curve balls that I havnt caught on too like I know your operation has to be 1000 feet away from any schools, is it hard finding real estate thats zoned apporpriatly? Also what does the land need to be zoned as, commercial or agricultural etc, Im curious to those things because Im working on trying to get a ballpark budget together and so I'd like to check the price of appropriate locations, also do you think/know if theres appropriately set up buildings and wether it would be easier to buy one or cheaper/easier to have one built specifically for cultivation?

LMFAO! This state has had quality growers/breeders for years.....Breeds you can't get outside of Oregon.....

Now (sorry if your feelings get hurt) just what makes you think you can go in there, with your novice skills and find a real legal market for your results?
40K isn't going to cover shit for your initial set up costs on a 100 x 100 grow space! You have to figure it'll need all sorts of work and electrical/water, lighting, cooling, etc, etc. Once that's gone. How do you even pay just the electric bills till you harvest?

Take your money and go to college. Learn a trade, or find another idea to make money!

Sorry dude but, you're out of your league!
Nobody says the real reason why we are in Afghaistan and why heroin is super plentiful and an epidemic especially in the NE USA. MJ is not heroin.

Heroin is plentiful because we toppled the Taliban! They controlled the country. They did not allow poppies to be grown.
The Taliban forbade it because the end use was harmful to humans! Even if it was to go to it's enemies homelands!

We swept in and defeated the Taliban and further removed ways for the Afghan people to make a living. They simply went back to what they knew. They grew poppies. Our military looked the other way. Huge amounts of opium where made - then heroin in high quality forms. This flooded the market. THE WORLD MARKET!!

In my travels to Europe. You can go into coffee shops in Italy and Spain and you get a spoon with a hole in it. So junkies don't steal them to cook. Some parks in about every country are filled with junkies! There are a few that have a bit better control on the problem but, for the most part. EU countries are freaking out over the new wave of younger and younger users.

I saw a street in LA where the gutters and along the walls are a literal rainbow of empty balloons covering the ground!

It's an epidemic EVERYWHERE and NOT just the N.E. USA!

WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES! or maybe we can blame G. W. for not making alternative earning methods for those we "concur"!
You don't just go in and overthrow a government and expect things to be hunky dory, peachy keen!

W was and IS a MORON!
Heroin is plentiful because we toppled the Taliban! They controlled the country. They did not allow poppies to be grown.
The Taliban forbade it because the end use was harmful to humans! Even if it was to go to it's enemies homelands!

We swept in and defeated the Taliban and further removed ways for the Afghan people to make a living. They simply went back to what they knew. They grew poppies. Our military looked the other way. Huge amounts of opium where made - then heroin in high quality forms. This flooded the market. THE WORLD MARKET!!

In my travels to Europe. You can go into coffee shops in Italy and Spain and you get a spoon with a hole in it. So junkies don't steal them to cook. Some parks in about every country are filled with junkies! There are a few that have a bit better control on the problem but, for the most part. EU countries are freaking out over the new wave of younger and younger users.

I saw a street in LA where the gutters and along the walls are a literal rainbow of empty balloons covering the ground!

It's an epidemic EVERYWHERE and NOT just the N.E. USA!

WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES! or maybe we can blame G. W. for not making alternative earning methods for those we "concur"!
You don't just go in and overthrow a government and expect things to be hunky dory, peachy keen!

W was and IS a MORON!

The Bushes are pure evil but we have had 28 years of the same people. I am not expecting any change from Trump but maybe he will surprise though I doubt it. LBJ = same thing in IndoChina/Vietnam with heroin. We helped the Viet Minh to push the French out because we wanted that heroin business. The Viet Minh then became the Viet Cong.

The same families who backed LBJ backed Obama. LBJ, Bushes, Clintons and Obama = all for war and all involved in heroin and cocaine trade.