Questions about making a honey tincture.


Well-Known Member
I've make plenty of Green Dragon Tinctures using Everclear with a lot of success (It's really easy if you are careful) But for those who want to put drops dirtectly under their tongue it's nasty ass shit!! I put my drops in a nice IPA and I'm happy.

My thought is to make a concentrated honey tincture and I have some questions that I was hoping to get some ideas or answers on.

I was reading up on a frozen extration method which freezes the water soluable matter in the plant (Chlorophyll ect) and leaves your intitial extraction an amber color rather than green.
My question is does anyone think the decarboxylation process will have an effect on this? My goal is to make as potent an extraction as I can and cook it down as much as possible before mixing it in and cooking down the honey.

This would be my process:

1. Rough chop my buds and decarboxylate.
2. Freeze the decarboxylated bud (2 oz) in the mason jar and the bottle of everclear for 24 hours.
3.Strip the trichomes from the frozen bud with the freezing cold Everclear..Keeping things as frozen as possible. Shaking the jar hard as long as I can before I start to see any green matter break down into the liquid and strain.
4. Cook the Everclear tincture in a double boiler..Reducing it by 1/2-3/4.
5. Mix the tincture with 1-2 pounds of organic honey and cook down the honey tincture mixture.

My goal is to cook out all of the alcohol. I may have to add a little bit of water to the honey during the final cook down process.

I thought I'd get suggestions before I start the process...Seem like it will work??
I put a teaspoon in a cup of tea. 45 minutes later I was perfectly high ... 15 minutes later I was saying" shit I hope I've plateaued" another 15 minutes I was saying Oh Fuck I'm too high!! I used half that does the next time and it was peerfect !!