Questions about my Lighting cycle and setup.

Okay so here goes.

I'm currently using a homemade Growbox, Fashioned out of an old guitar amp i had.

I've gutted it, lined it with mylar, and currently have a few 100w CFL Bulbs as my lighting. ( 2700k ) hovering a few inches above where my sprouts will be nestled.
I Know for veg state you are suppose to use 6500k Full Spectrum bulbs, or daylight bulbs, but the shitty fucking store i went to get these lights only seemed to only have Warm White 2700k CFL's with 1750 Lumens.

I'm relatively new at growing but ive done alot of research before starting anything and im still coming at a crossroads when it comes to getting this question answered.

I currently have 7 Sprouts, There almost at about 2 weeks now. ( I'm guessing more than half may turn out to be males, so with any luck i'll have 2-3 females )
My question is, the 12/12 light method i've been reading about sounds relatively perfect for what im trying to accomplish.
Basically it states, that you can grow a plant from seed to harvest with the 12/12 light cycle, Which is suppose to force the plant into flowering asap.
Well, i'd like to know if my 2700k Bulbs will work for this method. I know my yield will be microscopic compared to full on grows, but that really doesn't matter to me.

Basically, im just growing for the fun of it, something to keep me occupied for the next few months.

The strain im growing, i am completely unsure of, the seeds came from a friend who grows some decent midgrade a few states over.
In my eyes, This attempt is more or less baby steps for me in hopes of getting some sort of knowledge on growing before march rolls around when planting season starts in my state.

Any advice, critiques and support is greatly appreciated.
I'd also prefer it if those of you who may say " Just toss your plants "
Don't bother, This a new hobby to me and your ney saying isnt going to change my mind about growing these babies as long as i can.
Trial and error is the best way to learn, along with your much needed advice.
They are most likely 13w bulbs that say equal to 100w incandescent. you need to use the smaller number for figuring out your grow lighting needs. If your doing 12/12 from seed and had roughly 8 of those bulbs you could grow 1 plant at least, maybe 2
4 of them per plant should work, if your doing 12/12 from seed there wont be much of a veg stage anyway
Okay, But will these 2 bulbs be enough to keep my sprouts growing until i can put in more lights in the next 1-2 weeks?

I also saw in another thread someone who did the same as me, converting an amp into a grow box, and im thinking of buying 2 computer fans to retro fit into the box for a better Oxygen intake/expulsion.

I'm thinking of getting 1 or 2 of each of these. < 7000 Lumens, Full Spectrum, 6700k < 7000 Lumens, 2700k

Both are 125w
sounds like a plan, 2 bulbs will definatly be fine for the first 2 weeks, they don't need much light at that phase, just make sure to keep you bulbs close, id start them at 6 inches away and move them as they grow, try to keep the leaves withn 4 inches of the lights
The lights are mounted to where i can adjust how far into the box they hang, right now i've got the plants ( Solo cupping that shit ) about 3-4 inches apart from each other, and about 2-3 inches away from the bulbs.

( I'm really liking these bulbs too, they hardly produce any heat what so ever and that puts me at ease as far as fire hazards lol. )