Questions about quick drying...


Active Member
Ok so i got this friend whos uncle has a place to dry weed in his house, but i dont feel compterble handing over a bunch of weed for him to dry, because i dont really trust him (hes gonna sell it also)... i dont have the time or a room to dry it so im gonna quick dry it so it wont get moldy when i got it so i got some questions

i read that quick drying makes the weed taste bad because the pigments havent broken down when u smoke it, so if i just let it sit for a month after i cure it will the bad taste go away?

how much will the taste of quick drying affect the value of it??

I have 2 methods in mind for drying. 1 is the one where i hold it over a light for 1-3 mins, the other is where i put it in a open envlope and lay it on something hot like a tv or computer (i was gonna use a heating pad) which takes 6-8 hours. Will there be a big difference in taste between the 2 methods.

How long do i have after i harvest it before it will develope mold if i dont dry it?


A new grower


Well-Known Member
All the "i heard " shit that goes along with weed kills me,the whole point of quick drying is to get product to customers as fast as possible with the greatest quality possible,too many people make reccomendations repeating "what they've heard" instead of what they know.

If done right quick drying will yeild smoke that is atleast 90% as good as slow dryed & slow cured smoke,my last harvest i used DIY quick dryers,i also used regular drying/curing methods before i committed an entire harvest to an unknown drying method being it was my 1st time quick drying.

My quick dried buds were awesome & dried to perfection in 3 days with zero mold,compared to the buds i slow dryed & slow cured they were very close in quality,so close that if i hadnt known which was which in the pepsi challenge i could never have picked the quick dried buds.

These buds took 3 days & were tasty as a mofo.

Edit,i forgot to comment on your proposed drying methods,they suck very badly & should not be done the way you propose.
