Questions about transplanting clones outdoors for a short season

Total noob here. The first thread I started has a bunch of general questions that many of you answered for me which I greatly appreciate :clap:
More than anything, that thread helped me refine my focus to what questions I still have, the more complicated ones of course! Hence why I made a new thread: much more focused questions. I have devised a mildly informed plan for my first grow ever which will be outdoors an altitude of about 8000' near Colorado Springs, CO. The main thing I'm concerned with at this point is how exactly to get my clones outdoors and what exactly my season will look like. I'm looking at harvesting 8-10 week strains before Sept. 1st to be sure they don't see the first mountain frost.

I have read quite a bit about hardening off before outdoor transplanting, so of course I'll be doing that, but I have to ask...should that be done during veg or after I've got them flowering indoors? Also, because I'm going to be running a short season in a rather harsh climate, in what stage should I transplant them to outdoors? Because of my short season, I've gotten the suggestion that I should flower them myself (after transplanting them outdoors during veg) by covering them so they get 12/12. Thoughts? If I do flower them myself, how long would I have to continue covering them to maintain flowering later under 14/8 sunlight (June-July sunlight at the beginning of my season)? Of course that would taper off to about 12/12 going into September but that's when I'd be harvesting. This leads me to one big question...will they not begin flowering themselves (and stay flowering) under 14/8 sunlight outdoors?

So here's my other big question...when should I transplant outdoors if my harvest should be no later than Sept. 1st? Since I'm putting my money 8-10 week outdoor strains, I'd think 10 weeks before Sept 1st would make sense...but what the hell do I know!? Any benefit to start flowering before then/Any reason to transplant them (in whatever stage) before then? Obviously I know the main thing is to make sure I'm transplanting outdoors only AFTER the last frost which at my altitude may be as late as early June.

I'm starting with these seeds...
Dutch Passion's Frisian Dew
Serious Seeds' Biddy Early
Sensi Seed's Guerillas Gusto
Dinafem Seeds' OG Kush

Thanks for all your help, guys and for tolerating my noob-ness! I will definitely be documenting this grow here on RIU starting as soon as I get going early next Spring growing mother plants! :mrgreen:
No one? Please, I know my posts are long and I have long questions but I could really use someone to school me.

I know I'm not the only person who'd be growing buds outdoors at high altitude in high latitudes. Our numbers are only growing I'm sure, I'm evidence of that haha.