Questions about ventilation

I have a 4" inline fan with a carbon filter going thru my lamp hood for my outake and a 6"inline duct booster and a 6" clip-on fan for intake. EWhich of these should be running at all times? if any


Well-Known Member
Put them on a temperature controller... When the set temperature is exceeded, it will automatically turn on accordingly..


Well-Known Member
To answer your question...depending on the room temperature it can be running way of knowing till you start growing


Well-Known Member
I have a 4x2x5 tent n my room with 400w hps/mh and i have 4" inline going to scrubber coming off my hood....and my 3 holes for passive coming in and a 10" desk fan and a tower fan on other side both on rotate and they all run until lights go off then just the tower fan stays on during night depends on temp outside room and temp in room


Well-Known Member
I would just keep your outake on 24/7 then put your other fan on a timer to switch off when lights go out. That's what I do anyway.


Well-Known Member
I might try that out next time i go trying to rearrange n shit haha idk why i dont do that anyway...BUT i love waking up in the morning and smelling my flowering girls hahaha since my scrubber is off :) lights go off 11pm or so :)
thanks for the replies i currently i have the outake fan going off when the lights do and in duct booster and clip-on fan running 24/7 temp never exceeds 75


New Member
ok well i got a 10x10 tent and am running a black dog platinum XL LED. i have a sentinel controller which controls my temp, humidity, and co2. i am using a tank to supply my co2 and am cooling the room with a portable air conditioner. i was wondering if it is still necessary to vent the room evn though all the environmental conditions are being met? i was gonna put a carbon filter and a can fan in the room outside the tent. that way my plants can soak in co2 and smell is not an issue! so once again, would i need ventilation in my tent?