questions and answers

Just an observation but it seems to almost 90% of the time when someone askes a question people answer it with how they do things. I would love to hear WHY you folks do it the way you do. Not with a big scientific explanation that makes no sense but in laymans terms or as i refer to it as speak which the medicated can understand lol. Any way my q is why Hang, put on racks, cut in dark, dry in dark , dry in light, I know it can vary with each strain just wann know why so I can dry mine to its best potential. and why dry big colas as a unit instead of busting it up into its smaller components. seems to me more even dry and less risk of mold.


Well-Known Member
Just an observation but it seems to almost 90% of the time when someone askes a question people answer it with how they do things. I would love to hear WHY you folks do it the way you do. Not with a big scientific explanation that makes no sense but in laymans terms or as i refer to it as speak which the medicated can understand lol. Any way my q is why Hang, put on racks, cut in dark, dry in dark , dry in light, I know it can vary with each strain just wann know why so I can dry mine to its best potential. and why dry big colas as a unit instead of busting it up into its smaller components. seems to me more even dry and less risk of mold.
light degrades thc. i dont break anything down and i only trim off the fan leaves before i dry. the smaller leaves left on help the bud dry more slowly and evenly which helps the chlorophyll dissipate. they also protect the trichomes on the buds from being knocked off or damaged. i dry upside down hanging because this is the best way to expose the entire surface area of the bud to air. everything i do in order to provide the optimal drying area dn prcess for the buds. i want my buds to dry slowly and evenly while keeping all the trichomes intact. does this answer your question? if you have any others just ask. most knowledgeable growers have a method behind their madness. but people do what they do usually because of the results they get with the resources they have on hand, most successful growers do not just do things because they read something. most growers have a philosophy or school of thought and they allign new techniques with this perspective. you can take all the advice yo want but ultimately you should do what give YOU the best results.


Well-Known Member
well personally my technique involves me first giving my plants 2-5 days of complete darkness with 0 water before I chop, my method then includes me removing all leaves with a "stem" easily visible. I then continue to cut the tips of the largest sugar leaves saving the trim in my little bundle of course, but ill get to that in a second.. .I then hang the entire plant upside down for 1-2wks in a dark cool area, checking for any issues daily.. . if you need help I would love to tell you how I prepare buds for the cure. all backed by scientific studies mind you.


Well-Known Member
well personally my technique involves me first giving my plants 2-5 days of complete darkness with 0 water before I chop, my method then includes me removing all leaves with a "stem" easily visible. I then continue to cut the tips of the largest sugar leaves saving the trim in my little bundle of course, but ill get to that in a second.. .I then hang the entire plant upside down for 1-2wks in a dark cool area, checking for any issues daily.. . if you need help I would love to tell you how I prepare buds for the cure. all backed by scientific studies mind you.
he wants the why bro. why do you give 2-5 days complete dark? why 0 water? why all leaves with a stem? etc.
we have a thinker. i think
lol irieie yolu hit the nail on the head I am liiking for the whys. I truly cannot find the whys of how people do it the way they do. I am not usually this anal but this growing thing really intrigues me and want to learn all i can. WOW I cant spell tonite lol.


Well-Known Member
Irieie and Raw have covered things pretty well from my standpoint, lol. I don't do the 2 days or the 0 water per se but have considered the 2 days just to see what I thought about it, one day. Dry and curing - to achieve the best reward for your efforts this is where the magic is IMHO, not in the worthless flushing and all this other crap they sell you on today. I have tried and still do the whole plant when weather and space permit, my personal favorite and the slowest. Why? the more plant mass the more water to move, the slower the dry. The slower the dry the more chemical reactions can take place to break everything down, smoothness in the smoke when cured. Now I usually dry whole branches because of the climate I live in today. Growing is a matter adapting to your surroundings and figuring out how to make it work.
I grew up in the south where tobacco was the cash crop back in the day. This is where I watched and put 2 and 2 together along with reading how in ancient times they dried their medicine. Take a combination of all of those things and put them together, running side by side tests with clones in a cycle through the cure stage. The more you grow the more you try things and like me I still grow them much the way I did the 60's, but now we do it with all these hybrid seeds.
Sorry for the ramble, don't know what I stuffed the pipe with but the brain is scrambled today. Happy growing