-=Questions for American BLUNT sporters=-


So hi, I'm so high.

I'm originally from america but now live in the UK, and it was in the UK where I became a full time stoner. My smoke of choice is a blunt, or at least what is called a "blunt" here in London, I remember my friends back in America talking about blunts before I smoked weed so I had no idea what they were talking about, but I think they made strict references to the length of the actual component rather than what it's rolled in.

In England, A blunt has the following characteristics:

•A Skin made of "Blunt Paper". this is also known as cigar paper or tobacco paper. It's NOT from an actual cigar, we buy them in pairs (2 blunt papers in one pack)

•A reasonably thick but always fixed consistency, meaning the centre and end of the blunt are the same thickness, as opposed to a joint where the roach is VERY skinny, and the head is VERY fat.

•100% filled with weed. I know some people put tobacco in, but I don't, son! (although I sometimes crush up an E pill and put that in)

•A large Air-gaping roach. what do I mean by this? the roach is like a tunnel that keeps a distance between the weed and your lips, However it does not really filter anything as it lets air flow through very freely.

•The length has no specific boundaries, however the only blunt paper we can find (without going to Camden) is just under 5 inches long, I don't know why I hear my American Brethren fixating on the length of a blunt, the length has no implications here in England. It's either a short blunt or long blunt, either way it's a blunt.

I've seen videos on youtube and movie clips where Americans roll blunts in the paper of an actual cigar, yes they take a cigar and make a slit lengthways to empty all the tobacco out, then fill it with weed and somehow seal it back up. sometimes they use a cigar AND a blunt paper... WTF is all that about? It must be really harsh on the lungs because my blunts make anyone cough and they just have one layer of blunt paper.

Now, If you are a full-time American stoner I would like you to answer some (or all if you can) of the following questions:

1) Does the length of a smoke determine whether or not it is a blunt?

2) What do you roll blunts in? is it a cigar, a blunt paper like mine, or both?

3) This is for those that use hollowed out cigars to make blunts: how do you seal it back up once you filled it with weed? is the cigar paper sticky? or do you need a blunt paper?

4) how much would you spend on a cigar for a blunt? I buy cigars for £5 to smoke for myself (that's 9 dollars) of course i can get shitty ones for £1 ($1.60) but they're lame. Blunt papers here cost £1 for a pair (that's $1.60), how much do blunt papers cost in the US?

5) do you like the redemption song? :)

Also, what is your take on Thai weed? (Thai stick)


Active Member
im from the bay and
1) no a blunt in a SWISHER SWEET with weed in it. (swisher sweet specifically) blunt wraps are different in texture and burn different.
2) u roll blunts with your hands. they are too thick for this zig zag rollers.
3) hollowing out a cigar is fun but its a waste of weed because the girth of the cigar makes the weed burn 2 times as fast. and you dont seal it back up you just stuff it until it is tight enough to smoke. depends on the size of the cigar but it can take up to a qr.
4)swisher sweets used to be 1 dollar(us) but when ppl found out it was a hot commodity in the bay area the price rose to 1.75.
5) YES. lol


Active Member
On the east coast we split cigars to roll blunts, yeah some ppl use the "blunt tubes" (cigar like flavored rolling paper) but its frowned upon (i don't know why). ppl still call them both blunts. i have seen a few ppl who empty out a swicher and pack it but not many, i did that a lot back in the day when i didn't smoke much.


Well-Known Member
1. Nope, but bigger the better.

2. We do it in both. If we use a cigar, its from swisher sweets most likely.

3. When you lick the wrap a little, it gets a little sticky, so you just roll it back up tightly.

4. A swisher is like $1.25 and like 4 or 5$ for a 5 pack. And for blunt wraps, its like a dollar for every 2 pack.

5. I don't know what the redemption song is. lol

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
1. no a blunt is wrapped with a gutted cigarillo or cigar.
2. garcia vega. a cigarillo with a real tobacco leaf.
3.you roll and lick the top flap down
4. garcia vegas are normally 3 for about 2 dollars. if i use another kind of cigarillo there normally 2 for a dollar.
5. yes haha it is a good song.

garcia vega's burn nice and slowely and its not all processed tobacco


Well-Known Member
Optimos, Swishers, White Owls (stick the best when rolling them up), PomPoms, Good-Times(newest thing out)

For some reason I do not consider blunt wraps.. blunts.. :P I just call them wraps because the texture is diff, the method used to roll them is diff... to be a blunt it needs to be broken down & rerolled imo.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
blunts across america...

it's really different everywhere. i'm from massachusetts and swishers aren't very popular here. some people keep it old school and go with phillies blunts, dutchmasters and game blunts are popular. blunt wraps are "for bitches". they're way too flavored and you don't get that "blunt" taste, and they are either too moist or stale most of the time, and they're too thick. the ziplock thingy to keep them fresh is a fine feature, though.

a lot of people spend 2 bucks apiece on good blunts, which i agree is an obnoxious waste of money. 5 packs are around 6 or 7 bucks, depending on your brand.
to clarify the splitting and emptying of the blunt, that's how it was done before all these bullshit bandwagon "blunt wrap" products. being able to crack a blunt was an important skill. with blunts like dutches, you unwrap the leaf to expose the cigar. you crack and empty the cigar and roll your weed using spit as the glue. you then have your most skilled leaf wrapper person wrap the leaf back over the blunt (not everyone can wrap a leaf. it's a whole other skill) and that is a blunt. it smokes and tastes a certain way, not like those silly blunt wraps.

around here blunt wraps are for people with no skills and no pride, or "new schoolers". they are just thick brown things that taste like they were sprayed with department store perfume. i don't consider them real blunts.

few people here use the tube/roach thing in the end, but i do and i think it's the bee's knees. there is no requirement for length of a blunt, but sometimes people who suck at rolling will end up removing too much of the end paper resulting in a short blunt.

i can't believe how long this post is :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
im from the bay and
1) no a blunt in a SWISHER SWEET with weed in it. (swisher sweet specifically) blunt wraps are different in texture and burn different.
2) u roll blunts with your hands. they are too thick for this zig zag rollers.
3) hollowing out a cigar is fun but its a waste of weed because the girth of the cigar makes the weed burn 2 times as fast. and you dont seal it back up you just stuff it until it is tight enough to smoke. depends on the size of the cigar but it can take up to a qr.
4)swisher sweets used to be 1 dollar(us) but when ppl found out it was a hot commodity in the bay area the price rose to 1.75.
5) YES. lol
fuck them blunt tubes. a real blunt is a cigar split down. the tubes are some modern bs swishers by the 60ct box right here
swishers are 2 for 1.00 here in nc. and .59cent/piece i buy mine in bulk.


Well-Known Member
Optimos, Swishers, White Owls (stick the best when rolling them up), PomPoms, Good-Times(newest thing out)

For some reason I do not consider blunt wraps.. blunts.. :P I just call them wraps because the texture is diff, the method used to roll them is diff... to be a blunt it needs to be broken down & rerolled imo.
ewww goodtimes succ.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who is smoking a Blunt for the Flavor of the "Blunt" is a Fail in my book.

Blunts are to be smoked because you want to smoke a Blunt.. not because you want to taste a certain brand of cigar leaf.

A true/original blunt smoker will smoke any of those brands I posted. <3

I have never once bought a particular brand over another for any reason other than... Ooh. lets try wine, or grape, or blueberry.. Could care less the manufacturer.

Because Good-times, and POM POMs ARE the future of blunts.. know why? Because these companies are getting smart.. Instead of making Quality Cigars ppl are just butching.. They are making cheap made blunts.. WHICH IS BETTER.. because they use THINNER Tobacco leaf, cheaper tobacco which we dump out anyway. & usually they stick better than super thick brands


Well-Known Member
very true. but lve swishers for the way they burn. and i don't like th ay whte owls taste. i used to do phillies i dont even know if mf's sell philles now , lol. i fuck a ductch every now and again. if i need a big cigar.other than that it's cigarillos


Well-Known Member
Only thing I like about white owls.. they break down perfectly, always soft.. and the texture is amazing, once you lick it.. it sticks like it has adhesive
1. no, to me a blunt is any weed rolled in some kind of tobacco(whether it be from a split open cigarillo, or one of those 'paper sheet' things.

2. in detroit, most people go for the cigarillos(swishers, black&mild, white owls). very rarely will i use a paper one, mostly because they tear.

3. no, you just cut it open down the side, take the tobacco out, put your weed in, and roll it..then lick it all over and it seals. or use it through a roller.

4. those seem like outrageous prices. swishers sell for about 69 cents, and 2 for a dollar. thats a pretty standard price for other brands too.

5. and its ok, i like bobs other stuff more i guess.


Well-Known Member
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I think I just wanted a excuse to roll one.


Well-Known Member
that is one skimpy blunt.. if it's not over a gram I don't roll it. <3

Meh, Need to conserve. Good enough for me Its my 3rd of the afternoon. Id rather spread it out because I love the actual act of smoking and it would end terribly if I filled it with what I really want lol.


Well-Known Member
damn ppl use black and milds now i guess im just stuck in my ways

The swishers at the store next to me are always just weeks beyond dry. So I switched after a while cause the Swishers werent as good as they should be. Swapped them out for convenience.