questions from a newb

Do you think my grow will be successful?

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Sheik Verdin

New Member
Hello all, first time poster long time lurker here. So Swim is growing his first plants since he was 14 years old and has some questions first off 3 seeds were planted directly into a homemade soil mix containing:
worm castings,
blood meal
fishbone meal
bone meal
alfalfa meal
glacial rock dust
green sand
kelp meal
broad spectrum fungal and bacterial innoculant.

After planting the soil was drenched with a mix of acadian soluble seaweed extract, Humega, Fulvic acid, and Grozyme.
When the seeds first started to push through the soil the same mix was applied again, and once more 2 days later.
I plan on giving my little babies Grozyme, Fulvic acid, and Humega everytime i water and will add kelp to the mix every 2nd or 3rd watering.
Do any of you see anything wrong with this plan? and if so could you explain? Thanks!
Also the temperatures in the growroom fluctuate between 22 and 28 degrees celsius will this be ok?
I am using two 55 watt sunblaster cfl's and two 54 watt t5ho's (5500k bulbs and roughly 17,000 lumens) in a space that is 2 feet wide x 1 foot long x 4 foot tall for veg
and plan on adding one 200 watt 2700k(thats an additional 14,000 lumens) sunblaster cfl when i begin flowering.
Their are 2 plants in this space that will be grown in 2 gallon pots.
Do you think this will be adequate and what kind of dry weights do you think i could achieve per plant with this set up?

3 days after planting all 3 seeds broke through the soil.
day 4 one of the seedlings died due to damping off.
day 6 the remaining seedlings are continuing to grow happy as can be.

one problem though today when i came home from work i realized the back door was left open and the temperature in my grow room was at 13 degrees celsius...
the seedlings still look green and lively but im just wondering if anyone could tell me if they are going to be too shocked from this to grow up big and strong? should i plant my last 3 seeds and try again?

Oh yea i was also wondering what the earliest point i could give a quarter dose of fertilizer would be?


Well-Known Member
Way too fucking complex. I have no idea, maybe it is a magical combo, don't mean to imply otherwise. But for me it took a while to get my environment nailed down in and of itself. Using all that stuff, when you run into trouble, where the hell do you start. New grower - keep it as simple as possible.


Ur fine Man, I remember when I started I freaked out at every little thing and tried to go big. It was a mistake, now with a few grows under my belt I realize how much abuse cannabis can take, I've had plants survive in 90+F for a couple weeks and seen plants survive with snow on them. And they all were fine and produced

u gotta remember cannabis is a weed it will survive many harsh conditions and when corrected can show a new kind of vigor than it did before


Well-Known Member
You're overthinking it right from the start. They're seedlings they dont need all that shit. Thats why one of them died already. "one of the seedlings died due to damping off?" What does that mean?
Seedlings: A half decent light medium and a minimal amount of plain old water is all they need for the first couple weeks. If you want them to survive anyway.


Well-Known Member
Get rapid rooters. Water from bottom up. Use a moist meter. Xten bux wallmart. Add water to base. Let sit 20min. Repeat. Start with 20% nutes work way up . Especially with soil. It takes weeks to results.