Well its still possible. As far as the short growing season, just try to find a strain that has a short flowering period, hence earlier harvest. to help you out a bit, say it takes 8 weeks to completly flower a plant, and frost starts end of septemeber. So that means your plant will have to go into flowering at the beginning of augest (beginning of augest to end of september= 8weeks). One way to do that is by putting a garbage bag over the plant or something to block the light, making the plant only get 12 hours of light a day, making it go into flowering. that make sense?
As far as the boggy areas, thats not very good, wet soily conditions can rot the roots, killing the plant. One way to get around that is put 5 gallon buckets filled with good soil and put them in the ground with holes in bottom of bucket to drain out through the ground. Have a plant in each bucket. hope that helps, happy toking