questions regarding seedlings/transplanting/lighting/flowering outside in Ontario

I could have put this in different threads, but i'll put everything here:
1. I have some purple kush/black domina seedlings I popped under fluorescent light. The weather here in Southern Ontario Canada has been like mid august weather, so I've been putting the seedlings out for a nice day in the sun each day and keeping them under the fluorescent light at night.

Question: if I'm going to put these seedlings into pots outside in my backyard, how big should they be before I can transplant and just leave them outside?

2. I've got some Blue Crimea that i started aggressive flowering indoors and are now just in the backyard letting them finish off outside, probably be done end of june. As an experiment, I took one of the plants and put it (still flowering) into the ground. What do you think will happen to the flowering plant i put in the ground from a 5 gallon pot?

Question: everyone talks about 18 hours of light or 12 hours of light, very little spoken about 14/15 hours of light on flowering plants, any ideas? Just slow down the flowering process, or flip it back to veg?

3. What kind of organic nutes should I be using outside?


Well-Known Member
The plant should continue in veg outside with 14 hours light. I have my first two ladies outdoors ever in Ontario and they have been doing great. IT's been 10 days outside for them and they haven't grown much vertically yet but alot of new leaves are showing up and they are doing well.

The plant that is flowering will most likely revert back to veg. There is a chance it will go hermi or not grow much for the first bit due to the stress put onto it combined with transplanting into a harsher environment, lighting change, and going from flowering to veg.

Also, I would caution against putting seedlings outside. I believe they need a few weeks indoors before you adapt them to outside unless the weather is super consisten. I killed two of my first seedings doign the same thing and they didn't really grow in two weeks and eventually died. GL


keep us posted on those Crimea Blue's, I have two going as well i plan to post pics when im in better condition!


Well-Known Member
I'm in Toronto and I'm about to start up my seeds also.

1) Probably when they have a good root foundation, say like 5 nodes or so

2) It will go back to vegging since it's not flowering weather in ontario yet, wait will mid august or so.

3) 14/15 is bad, pretty sure it will continue vegging (I just no its bad, never tried it)
from what I can tell, it looks like the crimea blue are still in flower and haven't reverted to veg, even the one that I put into the soil. Another strain, "fast pine" i believe, has reverted to veg and is now stretching.

Another Crimea blue that I didnt start to flower before I put it outside is still in veg, and is a nice indica phenotype getting bushier and will flip to flower in "all thy sons command."