

Active Member
I'm finally going for a HID light setup but i have a few questions. I bought a 600w HPS for roughly 10 plants. But anyway for a SOG method can I veg with the hps or should i opt. for a t5 flouro hood in a seperate room or better yet a 400w MH? I also plan on picking up a lower wattage HID to keep a mommy alive for cloning but that will be awhile before i need one. Any imput would be great. thanks


Well-Known Member
if you can keep it cool enough and have the case of course a 400w MH would be the best. i'm using a 250w MH right now as well as a 100w T5. i like the T5 a lot cause it barely radiates any heat and you can keep it real close, but of course the MH gives out more light, soo...

good luck with yer decision and grow


Active Member
Thanks, i think i might just pick up a t5 hood and if i'm not seeing enough veg growth i'll pick up a 250 mh to contribute. The combonation work well for you?


Well-Known Member
i have a hydro kit going with my 250w MH 6 clones just startin out, so i don't kno how well it's gonna work but i think they're about to take off. my 100w 2 ft T5 fluro does an AMAZING job for only 100w and then i have a 400w HPS for my 5 flowering girls, i'm gonna have to get another one to flower my hydro kit but getting off the point.

i would highly recommend the T5s they've worked wonders for me. i just have a 2ft like i said before but its gotten everything done, i'm vegging 6 under it right now and have used it for clones with 100% success