

Well-Known Member
If God is Real ...

Does He make you do what you choose?
Does He choose what you do?
Does He choose what you choose to do?
Or ... Does he make you do what you do?

Any of the above ..? If so I'd say the First ..
I dont think he decides things for us. I think he leads us to decisions and its up to us what direction to take after those decisions, and neither decision can be the wrong decision because each path you take is a path of learning and experiencing, except if you keep making a chain of destructive decisions and refuse to learn from them. I dont think god is guiding a homeless crack head prostitute because she doesnt need guiding, she should know not to be a homeless crack head prostitute, she knows shes not happy, she has to do something about it.
The fact that we need to ask "If God is real ..." suggests to me that we do not have one single God-property that can be uncovered and characterized by an operation more reliable or legitimate than simply saying so. cn
I dont think he decides things for us. I think he leads us to decisions and its up to us what direction to take after those decisions, and neither decision can be the wrong decision because each path you take is a path of learning and experiencing, except if you keep making a chain of destructive decisions and refuse to learn from them. I dont think god is guiding a homeless crack head prostitute because she doesnt need guiding, she should know not to be a homeless crack head prostitute, she knows shes not happy, she has to do something about it.

I think energy is the guiding force in the universe.. not god influencing our decisions, but Energy. pure speculation though
God is a fake.....but Apophis , Neptune, Aphrodite, Atlas, Brahma, Zeus, Tawaret, Quetzalcoatl & Hathor are all real
doesn't something determine the outcome of our thought's? ... it makes Perfect sense in my Mind.

I have never had the repeatable sensation of an external influence on my thoughts. At this point, I accept as an axiom that my thoughts are the sole and exclusive product of my neurons having a party, simply because my explorations into the alternative have returned nothing.
I have absolutely no way to test if a thought that seems to have been supplied externally actually was so, which completely wipes out the chance of researching from which external agency such a thought would come. I have seen no usable evidence that humans are in contact with nonhuman mind ... except reports of the paranormal. And those are suspiciously perfect in their staying below the noise floor, of being resistant to the sort of observation that could lead to learning. The seem almost wilfully unusable. I wonder if we're dealing with the noisiness of the cerebral machine. cn
it's Logical to me to think that everything in space/time is going in One direction. "and nothing can change something before it happens." unless ... Space/Time continuum..!
it's Logical to me to think that everything in space/time is going in One direction. "and nothing can change something before it happens." unless ... Space/Time continuum..!

But this post says nothing about what I thought you were saying. Time's directionality has no connection to whether or not we're living in the causal cage of an omniscient Other. cn
But this post says nothing about what I thought you were saying. Time's directionality has no connection to whether or not we're living in the causal cage of an omniscient Other. cn
But awareness does not choose what it is aware of. There is no spontaneous combustion in any case, only chain reaction. I guess unaware time controls all (people, places, and things).
But awareness does not choose what it is aware of. There is no spontaneous combustion in any case, only chain reaction. I guess unaware time controls all (people, places, and things).
I cannot begin to speculate on the nature of awareness and time. I appreciate the hiatus; it gave me an opportunity to vastly expand the scope of my ignorance. At this point, I know less than I thought I did seven years ago.