Quick animal question

I have excitedly been watching my sprouts get bigger and moved them outside. Soon, some animal or bug ate many of the sprout leaves cleanly off leaving only a stub of a stem. I fenced the area and started a few more sprouts to replace. This worked for awhile but something got a few more today. So now I have em in a clear aquarium with fencing over. My question is clearly the small sprouts will be destroyed by such eatings, but if i grow them a bit bigger in the aquarium before putting them in the soil, do older plants weather animals/bugs better?


Active Member
yes but they are still vunerable to pests I wish I knew what was munching on them to give you better advice


I had a problem with new sprouts under 2 wks old.. I put a little cage around them thought they were birds, deer, etc. but they were still getting munched on..so I checked them one morning, early 3am and found snails! munching on them...and they even climb 5 gallon buckets..if they are snails get a tin can, cut top off and leave bottom on.. bury it next to the plants, up to the hole, but dont get any dirt in the can..put sugar water,beer, something sweet in the can..the snails will come to it and drown or bury a beer bottle the same way..but if its it the woods use beer..sugar and honey attracts wildlife..beer does too but not like sugar and honey..hope this helps


Active Member
are you around any outbuildings or old farm sites by chance? maybe close to some sort of civilization? sounds to me like rodents. mice,rats,muskrats,squirrels? etc... you can keep the bigger critters out but when it comes to mice and rats... your better off packing your shit and moving on unless you have some serious time on your hands and can comfortably occupy your site for some time. you could use some sticky traps around them and hope to catch em. i ran into this problem already this year. i had to that were about 2 months old close to an old barn. im an avid ourdoorsman and love to trap. but aint nobody gonna get all them damned things.