Quick compost tea?

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
I’ve always brewed my compost teas for 24 hours but due to my current situation I’m going to have to apply the tea in about 12 hours. You think I’ll still get some good use out of it?
I'd just reduce the amount of molasses you use by half. In theory, it should give you a more diverse set of organisms, just a lot less of them because of the lack of time to multiply ;-) .
12 hours is better than nothing. I go for 24-48 when I make em, but I haven't made one in months since I'm doing more top dressing. I'm trying to get to the point where all I have to give is plain water.

One thing I learned is that if you want more nematodes and more of a fungal dominant tea, is to brew for 48 hours and at a softer bubble. For the bacteria dominant tea I like way more bubble action and it doesn't have to go as long. I also use EWC for all my teas, along with some extra stuff depending on what I feel like.