Quick Drug Test Question


Active Member
Hello All,

I'm a college senior and currently in the job hunt process as I will be graduating in May. I don't know if or when I will be drug tested but its better safe than sorry, so I have not smoked weed in just over 4 weeks. Before I quit however, I was smoking pot 2-3 times a day for nearly 2 years. I know that at that heavy of a rate of use the THC could be in my system anywhere from 1-3 months. But my question is this, what sort of effect do you think it would have on my time to getting clean if I were to smoke bud once or twice this weekend??? I read online that weekly users can expect about 10 days to get clean, but what about a heavy daily user who stops for a month, then smokes once or twice, and then stops again?? Will it set me all the way back to having to wait a month or will it only set me back about 10 days? I have a buddy coming into to town this weekend and I know he's gonna want to smoke up after a night of drinking. So if I were to smoke once Friday/Saturday night how far would this set me back??



Active Member
My younger brother had some drug tests recently hes a heavy smoker and quitting for 10 days prior is enough for him. I've even seen him smoke the night before a drug test after quitting for a few weeks, and pass the next day. I on the other hand have quit for a month before and still not passed a drug test. I ended up using synthetic just to be sure the next time. The main difference I see is he is very healthy. He works out almost every day. Does cardio and lifts. He's very fit. I'm skinny, but not very active. Eat a lot of fatty foods. So I think its mostly based on your lifestyle and how healthy it is.


Well-Known Member
You can buy home test kits on Amazon for like 5$. Just use one every so often to check your progress and see if you're clearing your system out. It took me around 7 weeks to get in the clear because I thought I had a drug test last summer. Drinking alot of water will help flush your system out, but I know that the THC metabolite is stored in your fat cells, so it does help if you're skinny or have a high metabolism.


Ursus marijanus
Four weeks of unbroken abstinence should be fine. If you snuck "just a hit" every now and then, ... not. cn