Quick dry


Active Member
First time doing this and wanted to know what is the best way to quick dry some of this bud. The bud that is quick dryed, should it be smoked in a varorizer or is a bowl ok. They are hanging upside down for about a day. Any help would be very helpful. First 2 pics are before taking out of soil. Next 3 are after fan leaves are cut off and the the last 2 are the plants hanging upside down.



Well-Known Member
First time doing this and wanted to know what is the best way to quick dry some of this bud. The bud that is quick dryed, should it be smoked in a varorizer or is a bowl ok. They are hanging upside down for about a day. Any help would be very helpful. First 2 pics are before taking out of soil. Next 3 are after fan leaves are cut off and the the last 2 are the plants hanging upside down.
Hairdryers are really good LOL! Or ovens, or radiators or waving your lighter under the bud for 2 hours while turning regularly. Or maybe have some bloody patience IMO!!!!!!!!:confused:


Well-Known Member
a food processor works great for "quick dry" (dehydrator) u do sacrifice a small amount of taste and thc.. but it works

lowest setting for 5 hours...


Well-Known Member
you should give it to me please please, did i say please. cardboard shoe box layers of kitchen towel paper.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
First time doing this and wanted to know what is the best way to quick dry some of this bud. The bud that is quick dryed, should it be smoked in a varorizer or is a bowl ok. They are hanging upside down for about a day. Any help would be very helpful. First 2 pics are before taking out of soil. Next 3 are after fan leaves are cut off and the the last 2 are the plants hanging upside down.

You took all that time to grow it.... why sacrifice quality now for a quick smoke? If you absolutely can't wait then I'd say try a water cure.... but only for a small portion of it as the yield is decreased by a water cure. Let the rest go through a normal dry/cure. :D


Well-Known Member
i used water cure b4, that was strange as hell... ugly brown weed with absolutely no taste and smell... nice for smoking a joint walking down the street tho and no one knows what the hell your smoking lol..


Well-Known Member
First time doing this and wanted to know what is the best way to quick dry some of this bud. The bud that is quick dryed, should it be smoked in a varorizer or is a bowl ok. They are hanging upside down for about a day. Any help would be very helpful. First 2 pics are before taking out of soil. Next 3 are after fan leaves are cut off and the the last 2 are the plants hanging upside down.

buy a volcano you can put it on and it will dry it 4 u:mrgreen::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Active Member
Not looking to quick dry it all. I more want to see the improvment in the bud after letting it cure. Plan is to let it hang upside down then into glass jars. I know its different depending on set-ups but about how long does it take to dry before going into glass jars. I mostly see it taking a week to week and a half but someone said you leave it upside down for 4 or 5 weeks.


Active Member
Also for making bubble hash, do you save everything including the fan leaves or is it just the leaves with trichomes on it.


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:It depends on the size of your buds as how long to dry. You should cure for a good 3 to 4 weeks, I cure longer. If you got girls your havesting, save those fan leaves and under growth pop corn buds. I make my bubble hash w/ bubble bags. I've got 1 gal. bags w/ is perfect for my small grow. I run each batch 3 times. All I use is fan leaves and light buds, but its from greenhouse Fem cheese. Very good..:joint:


Active Member
letting my friend borrow my scale But getting it back soon. When I do i will let u know the totals.
Budsworth when you say cure for 3 to 4 weeks are you talking about when its hanging or when it goes into the glass jars.


Active Member
I'm in a similar situation, I have my stuff drying right now, and nothing to smoke, so I've been quick drying some buds here and there. What I do is simple, get a paper towel or toilet paper, wrap it around tight the wet bud and put it into the microwave for like 5 -10 seconds. You'll see on the napkin that the bud will start pissing moisture, after a few tries it'll be dry, hard, totally grindable and smokable. Of course, this is a weaker emergency smoke, as there's no drying and curing period. Good luck.


Active Member
Thanks vargsriket. If they are going to be hanging for 10 to 15 days will that mess up the drying/curning process. Is there a certain day that is to long for them to be hanging. How much better does the bud get when u dry and cure it them right way.


Active Member
put it in a thick brown paper sack and place in a warm area should dry up in a couple hrs. the bag really sucks out the moister and keeps the smell dank.