Ganja viewer
Well-Known Member
Hey, just thought I'd let you folks know about a simple method for repairing/splinting broken shoots or even supporting a stretched seedlings pathetic stem! Try using drinking straws!!! I had snapped one of my branches today and was going to splint it with an ice-cream stick and some tape but ran out of ice-cream pops! On my search I found an even better alternative, an old 7-11 slurpee straw. Just snip the length of your splint w/scissors and slice the straw lengthwise with the scissors also. Presto, you've just made a splint that you can open, slip around the area you want to support, and go on with your day. I didn't have to tape mine since the straw holds it shape pretty well, but if you need the extra support you can tape around the straw also w/out taping/tying anything to your plants "skin". Also, the untaped straw will expand with growth if necessary. As you can see in my picture, mine broke right at a small bud site and even with the leaf branch protruding at the break, the fix did the trick. You could always snip a little extra at those areas to get more closure on the straw, but I didn't have to. The straw holds its shape, in fact, will close itself to even a smaller diameter after its cut! Use it on those stretching seedlings until you can bury during transplant or whatever other use you might find. Just a cheap fix/tip! You could always find different size straws/hoses/etc... to fit/support/fix your smaller or larger breaks. My fix is only a short piece and holds well, but the longer the straw/splint you cut, the more strength and support it will give you.