quick germination question


Well-Known Member
If air temp is 82F with 52% humidity do I need a heat mat or humidity dome?

I have the small little plastic cups with holes. Like the ones the dentist gives you to swish around and spit.

I put coco in loosely and let them draw up water.

Put the seeds in water for 24 hrs then put into coco.

It's been a week and I see nothing. They're a year or two old from a seed run I did so not sure how viable they are.

I just don't want to waste any more of my special seeds. Already lost my Orange bud and my brainstorms. So trying to get my plentiful seeds to germinate regularly before trying the rare ones.



Well-Known Member
I put seed on damp paper towel bottle water or ro water fold in 1/2 put in large zip lock bag leave open put on refrigerator wait 3 days or 4 you will see a tail coming out of seed put tail down in soil about 1/8 inch cover
in two days it pops up WP_000059.jpg WP_000060.jpg 7 days lemon haze


Well-Known Member
I use the method you described, AKA stick a soaked seed into the medium and watch it grow.One difference between us is that I soak the medium first and then stick the seed in at about a index fingernail depth. You shouldnt have to water it again for a while, most certainly not until a bit after they sprout. You should have seen them sprout within a week for sure, so something is going wrong.Your temps and humidity seem fine, but I prefer higher humidity and use a dome for that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Hopefully it's just a problem with immature seeds from my personal seeds and the others do fine


Well-Known Member
The batch of romulan I tried in paper towel had two of seven crack. Once in medium one sent the tap root up through the surface and have seen nothing out of the others :/