QUICK help! Hydro !! Please


Active Member
I NEED to know, hopefully within 5 minutes ( When the water will be turning on) If I should be running the water in my hydro setup while the lights are off. We just switched to 12/12 , is it bad to ?


Well-Known Member
I dont run ebb & flow but I have dwc and my roots are in the water during lights off and have no problems. I dont think it would be a problem. They need to feed night or day it should be there for them. I could be wrong though


Active Member
I dont run ebb & flow but I have dwc and my roots are in the water during lights off and have no problems. I dont think it would be a problem. They need to feed night or day it should be there for them. I could be wrong though
Yea, for some reason though, I thought I read not to water at night.. Maybe I am wrong.. I am going to leave my 9:30 one run, and see if anyone has ebb&Flow and lets the water go.

+Rep to both of you for your speedy help. Its much appreciated!


Active Member
.. Damn wish someone with an ebb would post. I am very thankful for the input though.


Well-Known Member
Google is a great feature: I looked around for you and came across a few things. They say to not water at night because the added moisture is breeding grounds for insect and disease. I say try not watering them at night for a day or so and if they seem to be doing fine then leave them alone but if they start looking dried out then I'd give them a good watering right before lights off. Here is a piece of the post. Hope it helps.

Well, you'll have to give your plants what they need. That doesn't answer your question though.

If you watered 4 times a day in veg, that would be every 6 hours. To do it every 6 hours in flower would let you water twice during daylight- maybe a couple hours after "sunrise" and a few hours before bedtime. I don't think you should water during dark hours in flower with rockwool. Too much moisture breeds disease and insects.
Just monitor how much they're drinking and adjust from there. If you can, check your PPM and pH right before watering, then check after the water has drained back into the res. The PPM and pH should remain about the same. PPM going up? Solution too strong. PPM going down? Solution too weak (you shouldn't add more nutes until a res change- underfeeding is better than overfeeding). Pay attention to how much water is used during the feeding as well- if you notice drastic changes in this, something may be wrong. If you have marks for water level on your res, you can monitor how much water they use per cycle (if you have no marks, fill it a gallon or two at a time and make your own marks). __________________