Quick Lighting Question


Well-Known Member
No! but it depends on how long the light is seeping in and how much light is seeping in???

My closet has light that seeps through the cracks, but my lights go off at 10pm and I work at 6 every morning so I normally go to bed around 11. Hasn't effected my plants at all?


Well-Known Member
the less light you let trough the better and letting no light in would be the best ;)


Well-Known Member
its the light from my clone box (24/0) thats seeping into the vedge room (18/6).
since you can grow clones AND veg both under 24/0 or 18/6 its not the end of the world but its better if it doesnt leak any at all...think of a easy diy way to stop the light, remember, light cant travel around corners so try to think some typr of barrier up...good luck