Quick Q


Well-Known Member
I have my lil sprout in RW, and I didn't start feeding 'till about a week after it sprouted, and it started showing signs of hunger like yellowing, and curling.

The new growth seems to be nice and green w/out any signs of problems. The old growth hasn't changed. Is this the norm?

Should I be worried that the old growth hasn't improved?

Ok there is new growth burn, it's not that bad though. Is it? It's looked about the same for a couple days now, 'cept the size, it's still growing strong : ]



Well-Known Member
At a close look, I notice some white specks on the leaves I thought this was normal. Now I realize i've never seen this on anyones plant before. Should I be worried about this?

You can see what I'm talking about best on the second pic above on the leaf to the north.


New Member
Old growth will always stay the same. The only changes I've ever seen to older foliage is a re-greening of non-burnt tissue with added nitrogen, so what you have there is normal. White spots could be mites or another pest. You should spray them down with neem oil every week if you think you have pests and every 10 days or so as a preventative.