Quick Question About Autoflowering


so iv reached week 6 of my first grow bout some maxi gom auto flowerin seeds and all been really goin well shes bout 12 inches tall so far and noticed two weeks ago shes reached maturaty however since seein the hairs or pistils havnt noticed much else. any ways basically from what have read thought shed be more on her way by now any one, any ideas!!


no dnt have internet at home only use Internet roun my mothers just basically wanted to kno how long they stay in preflowrn stage did top her jus before she reached maturity so may have slowed her slightly however shes recovered lovely and now have six colas on her looking good if say so myself jus hopn it's only slowed her as to actualy flowering hope someone may b able to shed sum light
Hey dude, I've got a Lowryder #1 that's just a little older than that, so far lots of hairs, does your's look like this?
DSCF1286.jpgDSCF1279.jpgDSCF1283.jpg DSCF1285.jpg Well, mine does. It's my first lady too. not too shabby eh?

From what I've read around here, eventually, down the line, twards the end, at some point or another, those hairs will sort of pull back in and kinda fill up the things at the base of them, which become buds, so right now the buds are just tiny and waiting to be swelled up by the hairs which will happen twards the end. At least that's what I figure from what I've read, I'm still waiting for that to happen with mine. Got over a week left. Maybe it'll put on an awesome show in the final week or days. Keep her dust free! I've gotten bud with little floating dust hairs trapped within the buds. Probably because they show up so fast. I can't wait to see mine do it. I'll let you know.


Active Member
just hang in there .. thats the bad part about auto's you loose the control of when to flower and just have to roll with whatever they do ...I prefer to be able to veg. untill I decide it's time - but thats just me .....