Quick question about Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method


Active Member
Hi everybody, I'm trying out Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method which you can find on Google. Here's what it says about it:

"Dankmaster's Microwave Steam Method
A vast improvement in quick dry technology. It does a satisfactory job fairly quickly. Trichomes don’t burst and flavor while not great isn’t awful anymore -- which is all I can say for any of the previously mentioned methods. What the method does is use steam to dry out the weed.

Necessary items
*Tupperware container with lid.
*Buds fresh off the plant (cut into small pieces, don’t shred them – cut into nice little chunks).
*3-paper towels.
*Microwave with power setting options.

First, take 1/4 piece of a paper towel and lay it on the bottom of the Tupperware container. Then put your cut up weed on the paper towel. Next, take two paper towels, fold them several times and get them wet. Wring out most of the water. You want the paper towels wet but not dripping. Now, you lay the paper towels over the top of the Tupperware making sure that you completely and evenly cover the top. Then take the lid and squeeze it almost all the way on. When I say almost I mean to get all sides and corners on tight except for one corner to allow the steam to exit. Now your ready to put your steam dryer in the microwave.

Set the microwave power to 40 or 50 %. I recommend 40% -- I tried it on full power the first few times and it didn’t work nearly as well. Now set it for a minute and let it go. Take it out and let the steam evaporate out and let sit for 15-20 seconds. If the bottom paper towel (the one that the buds are on) is wet change it. If the two paper towels you were using are dry make sure to re-wet and wring out and put back over top and put lid on in same way.

Now microwave at 40-50% for another minute and repeat process for typically 3-5 minutes. This is the best method if you need the herb in less than 20 minutes."

My question is, has anybody here tried this method and when it says 'lay the wet towels over the tupperware' , does it mean over the top of the tupperware container or directly over the cut up bud (and touching it)? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Got me but I'm game to find out myself!! It's gotta be that wet ones just go on top of the container beneath the lid; not touchin the weed... I don't even begin to understand how steaming something is going to dry it, but I gotta find out for myself. this sounds wacky as shit though


Well-Known Member
REPORT: Stoked!!! I can't believe this worked... I'm sittin there watchin the tupperware rotate in the microwave & I'm thinkin to myself, "Self, you're an asshole for wasting 2 grams thinking this bullshit's gonna work." I didn't even bother touching it the first few air outs, then lo and fucking behold, after the 5th minute @ 40% power it looked & smelled ok! another minute & 1/2 and I'm baked. I don't know enough about moisture dynamics and microwaves to grasp why this works, but it does. I don't give a shit why.


Active Member
This actually works way better than one would imagine , the only way Id ever consider speed drying. The one thing I must add is that it will still feel damp for 2 minutes after you take it out, so dont just feel it and nuke it again, take it out of the container after 2 - 3 mins of nuking and let it rest on a paper towel for a couple minutes, youll be surpised how well it crisps up and still has the sparkle of some trichomes remaining :)


Scientia Cannabis
The problem with microwave drying is the way the material you place in the microwave is heated up.

It might make some terpenes & terpenoids evaporate and or harm them.
Which will adversely affect odour and taste.

I'm sure this can be done without much loss of done properly, but it's not a viable drying method unless you're in a hurry.
For some reason a lot of people "hurry" with drying & curing, which isn't very smart, since drying & curing are probably the most important steps in cannabis growing.


Active Member
For some reason a lot of people "hurry" with drying & curing, which isn't very smart, since drying & curing are probably the most important steps in cannabis growing.

I'll state this for the record since I am the creator of this drying method. It's EMERGENCY fix purposes to a upcoming harvest on lower underdeveloped bud, sampling potency/terpenes in something NEW or determing harvest window time. IT IS NOT FOR DRYING AN ENTIRE HARVEST or LARGE TOP BUD! I WONT ADVOCATE SUCH FOOLISHNESS. Please use for INTENDED PURPOSES only!