quick question about germination


Active Member
okay so i just germinated a bunch of female super skunk seeds, and i've been having problems with a few of them. I waited until they were all atleast an inch long before i put them in beer cups filled with soil.
it seems the ones that i buried completely in the dirt about 2-3 cm down arent coming up...but the few that had a set of leaves on them already, that i planted half in the dirt, are all perking up and looking fine.
i guess my question is how long should it take for these seedlings to pop up? its been a few days and im starting to get a little worried.
thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
you should only plant those seeds (seed up, white root tip heading down) like a cm into the dirt, JUST below the surface, and sprinkle soil on, do not pack it down!

mine took at maximum 48 hrs to pop up outta the soil. give them time, make sure the soil is moist but not sopping wet, just don't let it dry out until they're growing healthily. just give it up to a week, and if nothing yet... then dunno


Well-Known Member
You probably have nothing to worry about. It can take week to come up through the soil, in fact, in some instances up to 2 weeks. This is, of course, as long as it wasn't planted to deep to make it to the top. Seeds have limited energy; if they're planted too deep, they won't make it. All I can say is be patient, keep it moist (not wet) and don't disturb it until at least the week is up.


Well-Known Member
i had 7 of 8 sprout up within 36 hours and after 3 days was concerned about the last one... I did what probably isn't recommended; I dug up a bit of the dirt just above where I seeded until I could see a speck of the growth and left it that way so that it was a least seeing a small portion of light. Little one perked up in no time and showed its face within 24 hours from then. (I think I buried it a hair too deep)