Quick question about multimeters & basic electric


Well-Known Member
http://www.canadiantire.ca/search/search_results.jsp?bmForm=form_endeca_search&bmFormID=1321406583038&bmUID=1321406583038&bmIsForm=true&bmPrevTemplate=%2Fsearch%2Fsearch_results.jsp&bmHidden=OMNITURE_FROM&OMNITURE_FROM=Search&bmHidden=event26&event26=true&bmText=quick_search_term&quick_search_term=multimeter&bmSubmit=quick_search&quick_search=Search&bmHidden=FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474396672077 If anyone would do me the honor of informing me which of these fine products will be best suited to testing my outlets to see what kind of current is being drawn from what and where. :) I'm going to guess just about any of them would work, but I honestly don't have a clue and am going to have to figure this part out as I go. 15amp circuits in my house (unfortunately, but this is also pretty common). Hoping I get lucky and the room I am using (it has 3 outlets) is on more than one circuit, but I doubt it. I 'm not too clear on which breaker in my box goes to which room as they really aren't well labeled (any help beyond shutting them down and testing out sockets in figuring this out or am I gonna have to go the old fashioned way).

Also I was curious, more than likely to run some 20 amp sockets would be pretty messy unless I wanted to put it behind a wall, no? This is no basement operation. I own a condo and plan on running 2x600w and another 300w of CFL for veg, have a spare bathroom for veg. Going for a closed room design. Looking to grow a couple of trees and see what happens. Considering a 3rd 600w lamp to alternate on and off, easy to setup with conventional timers/ballast? I'm going to guess yes, I know the book material but my hands on is limited.

My hope is this room (which has a fairly large window although it has those blinds that fit inside the window and will be covered, but not insulated) will be able to run without AC. I plan on picking up a few of those CO2 bags and giving them a try to get some cheap CO2. The room itself has its own thermo and an electric heater. If I turn off the heat (currently off) the room goes down to around ambient temperature (which is usually no cooler than 5 degrees celcius but usually warmer, thank goodness for the vancouver area weather :) ). Will the electric heater be on the same circuit as the plugs? I'm guessing probably not, but I don't know.

I suspect that I will have to run a dehumidifier in this room as well and if I go the 3 light route I will have 3x tree Heath Robinson style hydro setups with oxygen stones and pumps. Of course a circulating fan or two. All in all it sounds like a lot of draw for one rooms circuit to me. My hope is I can avoid venting the room if I get adequate CO2 going. I will have this running even if the bags don't work out as good as I hope. Less is more for me, but I am not going to cut corners either. I have done way too much research and I want this project to provide me with head stash (and I smoke a tonne of weed) and I also hope to get medically certified to provide to some of the clubs, but this may be a pipe dream.

If that doesn't happen I'll at least be able to provide head stash for myself and maybe one or two closest friends and that would be fine by me (hopefully with just one successful Heath style grow lol). Ambitious I know, but his system seems very simple and so much more efficient. Not going with a tonne of plants either, with new cannabis laws maybe on the books I can keep 1 or 2 mothers and have 3 plants in the main room and still be under mandatory minimum plant limit while getting decent yield. Just need to keep harvest in a dif location. Anyway, thoughts? Input?

I am planning on getting the first seeds (which I have, Herijuanax10 Killingfields F3x20 and Jackberry x OG Kushx5 freebies) sprouted before the end of the month. Any help is appreciated.

The room itself is fairly large (12x8 in one area 12x10 in another, going to wall off this section with a tarp wall, will this be enough to contain the smell? What would be a good seal? ). Of course I will also need a good carbon filter. Digital ballasts. I expect everything to cost me in the 2k neighbourhood when all is said and done, is this realistic?

Long post I know In summary:
1) Which multimeter will best suit my needs, I don't have much electrical experience. I am more experienced with woodworking/plumbing. Tend to avoid the dangerous stuff :) from first link?
2) 15amp circuit with 2x 600w digital ballast (1200/1500 watts) + dehumid (200w?) + pumps (100w?) estimated watts... trying to avoid running extension cord although it feels like I'm going to have to to run the extraneous stuff like circulating fans and the carbon filter/fan combo.
3) How easy is it to wire up 20amp sockets? I'm guessing not that simple (ie: the gauge wire existing wouldn't work most likely so you can't just swap out anything without also changing the wiring)?
4) Can you get a good odor seal just using a tarp wall + outer regular drywall and normal door into room ? I plan on using carbon filters of course. Maybe an ionizer too I don't want any odor. There is a large window in the room, will that be a problem? It has blinds already closed all the time anyway (that won't have changed as the room is mostly for storage, it is facing the street though).

Thanks for your time, sorry for the long post you can skip most of it and go down to the questions.


*EDIT SORRY ABOUT THE INITIAL FORMATTING! Noscript was doing something to screw with it.*
lol I guess not I kind of got on a roll... I dunno why the formatting is totally screwed up. I had it formatted when I typed it.... and theN I went and edited and did it again. Here's a quick question: Multimeter? Will a cheapo 20 dollar unit do to measure the circuits in my house and do the necessary testing to figure out where to plug in my gear safely?
If you want to measure voltage, any of the multimeters should do just fine. However if you want to measure power being drawn, you need a "wire hugger" meter like this one. They're in the $100. range, so not a completely casual purchase.
I would run 2x600 on one 15A line, but not the accessories ... the two bulbs&ballasts don't leave you a real safety margin. Run the accessories off a different circuit.
Can't help with the "installing a 20A breaker" question. You at the very least will need to upgrade the outlets (15A and 20A-rated outlets are different in the USA, and I imagine Canada runs the same volts and Hz) and possibly some wiring. cn
If I have to do the wiring that's too much. I guess I could have a look and figure out what gauge they used. Ok I wasn't sure if I needed to get one of those more expensive units or not. I might have trouble finding one within easy driving distance I think. Home depot has them but only on the mainland in stock. Rona doesn't seem to carry them. Crappy tire doesn't carry them. I don't think there are any Lowe's out here :( I somehow doubt Wal mart carries those either lol. Also, do you think heat will be an issue if the room is currently outdoor temps? Outdoor temps won't be getting much above 15 degrees here for at least until March and lately it's been trending colder than warmer, we didn't have it go over 20 degrees until like June last year which is totally unusual.
Amazon is your FRIEND for tools like that! Also check eBay.
If your wiring is 12 gauge or better, I imagine you can swap out receptacles and fuses without much trouble. cn
I have discovered that noscript messes with your ability to use the enter key effectively while posting on this forum.
Oh, no I did not. I'm pretty high ATM. :) Not exactly sure what to search for either. Multimeters (which according to some educational article on electrical I read) are all you need to diagnose a problem if you're an electrician it said... this obviously isn't the case. Or maybe it is but it doesn't help me. Volt meter is what I'm lookin for? Amp meter? I do appreciate the assistance.
It really depends. If you need to measure amps drawn by a piece or a group of pieces of equipment, the clamp meter is the way to go. If you just need to measure volts ... a multimeter will do ya. I'm not super sure what your needs are, so I'm just somewhat stonedly enjoying some vicarious "window shopping" here ... cn
Basically I need to know the amps on a current circuit. If I know this I'll know what I can safely use and I'll also be able to figure out what plugs are on a given circuit.
ammeter for under $15 http://www.harborfreight.com/digital-clamp-on-multimeter-95652.html
multimeter for under $5 http://www.harborfreight.com/7-function-digital-multimeter-90899.html

you dont need either for what you are doing. every electricl devise has a plate that lists its power draw in watts or amps
amps x volts = watts
watts devided by volts = amps
just do the math
as for tracing breakers, they make a tool that plugs in & sends a signal back to your breaker that can be picked up w/ its probe but they cost alot.not worth it unless you do this for a living. just turn off 1 breaker at a time and map it out
Thanks for the replies. It sort of sounds like getting a ammeter is a good idea, even if it seems like overkill, for the piece of mind.

I only intend to have 1200 watts of lighting going at a single time + pumps and dehumidifier and the fan for the carbon filter. So 4000w isn't what I'm shooting for :). About half that. No smart meter has been installed in my building yet, it is a cement building so I'm thinking we are low priority as you can't read the meter without someone coming in unless they have a powerful xmitter. I can't get cell reception on the interior of my house, just on the edges near the windows :)

I won't be stealing anything. If I get caught I am going to go out of my way to break as few laws as possible. This is really a medical grow for myself first and foremost, I just haven't gone out my way to get a doctors note yet. Although I may not, I am leery of the conservative government and lists of medical marijuana patients... I have a horrible feeling about what they are going to do. Anyway I am keeping # of plants very low too, going with a tree grow. :)

3x plants in flowering room + 2 clones. There will be more plants than this at some point, there will have to be before I decide on good mothers for my strains (Killing Fields and Herijuana), but after that I intend on avoiding anything more than 5 plants. I considered LED but I saw no good bulbs for vertical grows (which makes me question there actual efficiency in reality when I've seen what can be done with a good vertical grow). Probably will only be keeping a KF, but I want to grow a round of Heri to keep for the evening for a while. 1 mother, 1 clone in veg that then goes to flower on a 3 week schedule is what I'm thinking, depends on a few things, need to get it dialed in so to speak.