Quick question and a Good Question


Active Member
I got a plant indoors that is like 2 or 2 1/2 weeks into budding. Would i be able to put them outside for 12 hours and then put it back in my grow closet for 12 hours of dark?


Well-Known Member
You could, but I would not recommend it.
Plant has been raised inside, so it's not used to an outdoor environment.
Also just seems like inviting trouble to me, neighbors, animals, bad weather, forgetfulness.
If you were diligent, and had a pretty secured porch area with good sunlight, it would probably be ok I think.


Well-Known Member
Others have done it on this forum. Light is light but the sun is always better. 2heart is right about the con list and you need to make sure it's worth it.


Active Member
Start slow- and be sure you spray them a day ahead with NEEM or SAFER 3-in-1 or something to prevent bringing bugs inside!
Day 1- 2 hours sun 10 hours HID/FLORO 12 hours dark
Day 2- Same
Day 3 - 3 hours Sun 9 hours HID/Floro 12 hours dark
Day 4 4hours sun.... etc

Keep it up until they can be outside for 8 hours.. at that point- they are "hardened off" and can go outside for their light... just don't forget to set an alarm and never put them out if you may not be home when it's time to take them in!


Well-Known Member
Yes, I'm glad Lady mentioned tempering the plants with an introduction to the intense sun light over a period of several days. If you can't stick to schedules and alarms I would say leave it in artificial lighting. We all have short-term memory loss, right ?!?!?!?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend it either. You'll bring outdoor bugs to an indoor grow. If you move them outside, leave them outside, cover them up with a garbage can or something to get the 12 hrs dark.