Quick question before I go an hurt the ladies...


Well-Known Member
So I have been growing in an inert medium, 60% ProMix, 20% CoCo, 20% Perlite for the past 6 weeks. I am new to all of this and didn't realize that because my soil wasn't populated with bacteria, that I was actually reducing the effectiveness of my FOOP organic nutrients. These nutrients become activated in the soil, I am assuming when the bacteria eat/digest/poop out the food that they get from the FOOP (or however that works lol).

Anyway, I put a dusting of worm casting and grokashi as a top dressing maybe 2 weeks ago, and I think I noticed some positive effects. I also just flipped to flower a week or so ago, so maybe I was just noticing the stretch... regardless the ladies looked great and I saw lots of new growth since then.

Which brings me to tonight, time to water/feed the ladies... so I had this bright idea that I would innoculate the soil further. I mixed up some of my Grean Bicycles Ocean Bounty with a bit more worm castings and grokashi. In total, I mixed 6 cups, 3 cups of Ocean Bounty, 2 cups of worm castings, and 1 cup of grokashi. I dusted each of the 6 plants with exactly one cup of the mixture and raked in with my fingertips. I am now second-guessing this bright idea, and wondering if I am going to burn my plants... I have 5-6 gallons of nutrient mix aerating now, containing 180ml of FOOP Bloom 1 and Bloom 2, as well as a small amount of Fish Shit! and liquid seaweed. Should I water the plants with the nutrient solution that I have aerating, with the top dressing, or should I let the solution aerate for a couple of days and just water the top dressing in with pH 6.5 RO water? If I was to just water it, I would do a light watering so that I can hit them with the FOOP in a couple of days, otherwise, the biological activity will die down and it will spoil.

My logic was this... the top dressing is all organic compounds. Ocean Bounty is 3-9-1 and the ingredients are bat guano, cotton seed meal, fish bone meal, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, neem seed meal, crustacean meal, fish meal, rock phosphate, oyster shell flour, rock dust, langbeinite, and greensand. I am under the impression that the top dressing will release the nutrients slowly, and also cause beneficial bacteria to show up in my soil, inoculating it and allowing my FOOP to perform better. I know that they take time to work, which is what lead me to believe this was going to be ok. Otherwise my FOOP just runs off and some of the nutrients and things are wasted because there is no microbes/bacteria to consume it.

I figure I should mention what's in the nutrients as well...


Can someone tell me if I am wrong? or if it might be a good idea? I don't know what lead me to believe I knew what I was doing, I just felt like a light bulb lit up and now I am second-guessing myself... lol. Just don't want to hurt my ladies. I will scoop the top dressing off if I have to.
If your plants are hungry, you will be giving them a very nice meal. How big they are plays a factor in whether or not you over did it but i think youll be ok. I really dont know much about hydro, but I know topdressing is pretty mild all around. Probably would have given a more balanced top dressing (3-3-3 or 4-4-4)
If your plants are hungry, you will be giving them a very nice meal. How big they are plays a factor in whether or not you over did it but i think youll be ok.
I think they're hungry. I've heard mention in my journal that I would benefit from a more active soil, if that is the term I am looking for. They're in 3 gal pots, about 24-28 inches tall and very bushy. Here is a cpl pics for reference. These are from yesterday and the day before. Soil is pretty dry tonight, could maybe wait til tomorrow but they stopped praying today because they're thirsty/hungry.

Yeah they are a little hungry. I think youve got a pretty good cocktail for them. You flip to flower yet? Looks like you will want to be shifting to more of a bloom ratio soon.
Yeah they are a little hungry. I think youve got a pretty good cocktail for them. You flip to flower yet? Looks like you will want to be shifting to more of a bloom ratio soon.
Yea they're day 5 flower today, the pics above are from days 3 and 4. I started the FOOP bloom nutes the day I flipped them, so it's been roughly 3 days since their last feeding/water.
I was thinking of picking something up that was high in P-K but is organic. Haven't heard about anything in particular and haven't really dug in for suggestions. You have any? haha.
See what the grow shop has.
I will have to take a look. I've never visited the one up the street from me cause they gave my boy a whack setup when he first started growing lol. Blew a bunch of smoke up his ass and ended up replacing everything after his first grow. Guess it's time for me to bite the bullet. lol.
I will have to take a look. I've never visited the one up the street from me cause they gave my boy a whack setup when he first started growing lol. Blew a bunch of smoke up his ass and ended up replacing everything after his first grow. Guess it's time for me to bite the bullet. lol.
Just dont go in there like a moron. You have a specific product you are looking for and want to find something equivalent. Any "organic dry bloom/flower amendment" is going to be pretty much the same shit. I pay 15$ for 8 pounds of it. Those shops make good money selling people little tents with way overpriced leds/cmh setups. Shitty inline fans with even shittier filters. Even amazon sells "package deals" that cost waaaay more than just buying everything separately.
Just dont go in there like a moron. You have a specific product you are looking for and want to find something equivalent. Any "organic dry bloom/flower amendment" is going to be pretty much the same shit. I pay 15$ for 8 pounds of it. Those shops make good money selling people little tents with way overpriced leds/cmh setups. Shitty inline fans with even shittier filters. Even amazon sells "package deals" that cost waaaay more than just buying everything separately.
I'll make sure I puff my chest out before I walk in.
I'll make sure I puff my chest out before I walk in.
Nah man just dont act like a complete moron who has never grown a plant in their life. Act like youve done some research and have half a fucking clue.... Its the people that walk in with a "deer in headlights" look on their face that walk out having paid 1200$ for 300$ worth of shit.
Nah man just dont act like a complete moron who has never grown a plant in their life. Act like youve done some research and have half a fucking clue.... Its the people that walk in with a "deer in headlights" look on their face that walk out having paid 1200$ for 300$ worth of shit.
I hear you for sure brotha. I spent several months researching like crazy and just ordered everything online. Tried to get sales and stuff when possible. I picked some stuff up on Amazon for now because I'm lazy. Paid twice what you pay for what you showed me, and it's only one lb. lol. Fuck I'm a lazy piece of trash. It's 0.1-10-25.

I hear you for sure brotha. I spent several months researching like crazy and just ordered everything online. Tried to get sales and stuff when possible. I picked some stuff up on Amazon for now because I'm lazy. Paid twice what you pay for what you showed me, and it's only one lb. lol. Fuck I'm a lazy piece of trash. It's 0.1-10-25.

well.... .1-20-25 is some really concentrated shit. But yeah 15$/pound is to much.