quick question dwc

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
my woman picked up a cloner its dwc . any ways it has bubbles from an air pump in it . I don't mess with to much hydro except the cloner I made old school sprays water onto the stems . so I take it this dwc cloner you put the stems into the water ? its ok if I look stupid . im old school on this . its a
she also got a real air pump bigger one to get some actual bubbles. she expects me to know every thing . thanks for the help .


Well-Known Member
The air pump was probably ok with what it came with. But hey what they hell.

I use rdwc systems, but just germ my clones in peat pellets, just had 4 root nicely In about 7-8 days, then I just chuck them in pots with clay balls.

So I have never used a cloner. But I'm guessing you would have it just above the water? Someone else will know

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
just above the water wont cut it nothing really is splashing . this is a different then what I am used to . I am thinking that's why the water is expose so much air in it . I will put them into the water .


Well-Known Member
Did your old method work,
If the answer is yes then why change something that you know works well,i get 10/10 results with my clones.
I would not have a state of art cloner give me,i never change something that is not broke,the only things that i will change is to do with flowering and only if i know it will effect the end weight or more important taste

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
The medium should wick the water and stay moist. Putting the stems into the water could cause them to rot, no? And it will not give the roots something to strive for. I see faster root growth when they stretch down to the water.


Well-Known Member
There is only one other way i like and that is a airoponic cloning system these are great,but yet again un-needed like most things in growing now.

Try putting a fresh cut clone into the slime from aloe vera,and then into a cube in a propagator,i bet money it roots has fast and the roots will be lovely and white.You can spend £2 to clone or £100 but the out come is still the same to produce a clone with nice roots,i really do not like the sound of a dwc cloning system.Great way of growing are dwc set ups i have two my self that i sometimes use but for the most part they are used has small res,for my young clones,till they hit the main room
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bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
yeah my big boss wanted to use this I liked my old home made cloner made out of a tote and a 500 gph pump with a bunch of jets sprays every where . big boss says this is expose to be better . I am old school I get pretty much 100 % success rate . I guess ill try this unit put the stems into the water and crank the air up . we will see in 7 or so days .