Quick question guys and gals


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm running two sealed 1000s in a 13'x13' passive air room. I'm legally allowed 12 plants but they have grown larger than anticipated and I added a non air cooled hood for extra light so I can spread them out. the temp was 73° during lights on before the third light. now with the third light it's 77° while all 3 lights are on.

My question is would I benefit more with the third light and slightly higher Temps "77°" or be better of with the plants tucked tighter together under two lights and the cooler Temps "73°"?

My night time temp is mid to low 60s no matter what. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
More lights equals more energy. The more energy a plant absorbs the more energy the plant can produce fruit from. The more yield you'll get. But that doesn't mean the "rules" of growing change. The opt temp is still the same. If more space is used you may not be really providing "more" light per square foot. But with the increased foot print more ventilation might be needed to accommodate the added area?!


Well-Known Member
Its a balance act between all requirements. Sometimes you have to give a little to gain a little. But the parameters don't change.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
go for the added light . just place a fan over the tops of the plants blowing onto the fruits to keep them cool . as long as they are under 80 your golden . unless your hydro need to keep that water cool