Quick Question:Normal Tap Water&pH Down

i was wondering if i could use water fresh out the sink without letting it sit for 24hrs pour some ph down to neutralize the lv. and water my plants, will the pH down kill the small amounts of floride and clorhine ( not sure either of those words were spelled right)
in the tap water?


Active Member
What are you growing in? Soil, Hydro? More information would help, but I'm going to guess you're growing in soil. That said, I would suggest just leaving it be until you get a better hang on how to keep the plants alive using minimal chemicals and solutions. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
NO it would not kill them.

Some people swear by allowing their water to sit for 24-36hours others dont leave it sit for long only to come up to room temperature.

I personally allow mine to sit for at least 24hours with an airstone in it before i mix my nutes into it. Then allow it to sit for an hour and then pH it allowing it to sit for another hour and then pH check and correct if needs be.



Well-Known Member
24 hours out will allow it to come up to room temperature as well as allow any chlorine to evaporate. The original poster has the right idea.

However, that doesnt mean that the tap water is still good to use. Depending on where your water is from, it may be full of junk and minerals. You need to get a PPM tester to grow -- If you skip out on this dont ever ask for advice on anything that goes wrong with your plants here, we'll laugh at you and tell you your shoelaces are untied because its that retarded to not have a ppm meter in every grow room. The PPM meter in fresh tap water will tell you how many ppm that it has in the water. You want near zero the best you can.

If your tap water is under 100ppm, it is good and safe to use in growing.

If it is over 100ppm, then you need to use filtered R/O water to get rid of the junk in your water.

Good luck, ask anything else you need to make sure you've got it right...... :)
Yes in soil

I do the exact same in 5 gallon bucket and air stone

PPM is fine water is to alkiline, root lock up, need to neutral it today but afraid of what chlorine and floride trace amounts will aslo do

not a noob guys jus had a quick question lol
its just a name with that being said thanks very mcch for the quick reply's



Active Member
Just let the water sit. If you have a dry plant and you must because you forgot to fill your jugs but I wouldn't do it more than once. It may not affect your ph immediately. It eventually will. All the time and effert you are putting into growing, don't screw it up due to poor planning.