Quick question


Does Mj still mature if it doesnt have direct sunlight? Or can i get away with puting my Dieselryders outside, and letm do there thang. Cause i really need to make room for my white rhinos.....


Well-Known Member
I think so. My BIL in Florida used to grow in some woods behind his house. They were fully shaded under 50' trees with lowest branches 30' up. It was still quite bright under there, enough to grow buds, according to him. That was years before I came along so I never actually saw the plants.


Well-Known Member
well, a regular photoperiod sesnsitive plant can mature without out full sun,but they will likely flower early, and the size of the plant and buds isnt gonna be anything near what it could do in a nice open (full sun) spot. since your askin about dieselryder wich is an auto- flower that depends on time and not photoperiod thus is requires longer light periods to fully mature because of its shorter lifespan...than i would have to say NO, putting dieselryders out now in a partial sun environment would NOT be a good idea!

p.s your question is kind of confusing, you should be more specific, are you talking about the current daylight hours? or do you have some spot in a partially shaded area? either way i wouldnt put an auto plant until atleast june or whenever your area gets the longest duration of sun(daylight hours), and i would try to find as open a spot as i could, like an old farm, or feild that isnt used anymore.