quick question


Active Member
ok im planning for next season and i was wondering.... if i plant my baby in the ground rather than a pot, do i still have to give her nutes and such or will she be able to obtain all the nutes she needs from the earth?? and if so what nutes are good for outdoor grows(online stores would be nice) and whats the best soil for outdoor grows??


Well-Known Member
depends on where ure planting.,.,if its lush dark loamy soil like wat u would find ina prarie.,.,if its brown sandy dry desert soil no.,.,all in all u wanta jump start them with sum high grade organics.,.,such as teas/worm castings ect


Active Member
well im growing in the woods, so the ground isnt so great, i was thinking just laying down some soil and planting

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
well im growing in the woods, so the ground isnt so great, i was thinking just laying down some soil and planting
dig some holes and fill with organic soil, or whatever you choose, but if ground ain't that good and you're just ''laying'' soil down, I'm afriad you crop will be sub-par! make yoursef a compost pile this fall/winter, that shits excellent and all organic and plants thrive in it.