Quick Question


Well-Known Member
I have 1 plant growing in a pot next to my window and im wondering if everything is going ok its not growing very fast. and i added 6-18-6 tomato ferterlizer to it. i guess what im asking it the plant doesn't look like its growing at a normal speed so im wondering what i should to to make the plant more lively i do have closet room that i could hook up a light system but i don't know how many hours of light i should give it.. right now its getting sun light.

here is a picture

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Active Member
could be over watered and the nutes you are using seem more for a flowering plant you need a grow formula


Well-Known Member
yes put them under lights 18 hours on 6 off, also you don't want 2 plants in the 1 pot so put them into separate pots, the pics not that clear but looks like you've put to much feed in they look burned.


Active Member
nice close up looks like 2 true leaves clusters. Are first leaves yellow? Starts turning yellow needs food and lights.


Well-Known Member
yeah they are turning yellow

i gave them 6-18-6 so i think that was a noob move

i got them under a florescent light is that good enough


Well-Known Member
You seem to have the normal desire to DO SOMETHING to the plants. The less you do the better. Not sure what soil you started with but if it was a quality soil then you don't need to be adding anything but water at this point. Feeding them to much food is bad for them and that kinda looks like what is going on.

I would flush it and give it nothing but water for a week and see how it responds.


Well-Known Member
Florescent lights are perfect for this stage of growth 24 hours until veg. What soil are you using? You want the soil moist not wet, seedlings are small so only need small amounts of water, dont give it feed at this moment just room temp water, cold water can shock it. Get some proper nutrients from the net, tomato feed isn't that good. Stick it in a propagator aswell.

Read the newbie threads and learn the easy stuff.