quick question


Well-Known Member
so i got 3 female auto and 1 regular sex purple widow....lets say my PW turns out to be a male and pollinates the other 3 female auto(which is what i want to happin cuz i want the seeds) what will in turn the seeds be??? auto or regular????? so where the dad is the PW and the mom is the autos.....???? what will the babies be???


Well-Known Member
Don't know, but I can tell you about my experience. I pollinated an unknown indica dominant female with a russian rocket fuel (auto) male. The result was an interesting and vigorous mix of the 2, but definitely more like the non-auto mother. It was photo period dependent but flowered earlier than my others. A nice plant.


Well-Known Member
First of all, I don't KNOW shit! So having said that, what I think would happen is that the babies would be photo period due to the fact that the cross to make an auto flowering plant is occomplished by introducing a small amount of The auto flower plant (forget the name) into the primary plant. Second time around that gets watered down more and is lost for all intents and purposes. Thereby reverting back into photo period. Having said that, MJ is in my opinion at least, not true to seed and therefore it is always a crapshoot unless you are dealing with clones. This opinion is based on my vast experience (one successful grow) of planting six LA Confidential seeds from Budda Seeds and getting at least two very distinctly different plants. More accurately it was LA Confidential X OG Kush so it may be that one plant leaned towards the mother and one to the father IDK but I ended up with at least two if not three distinctly diff plants. On a good note all the plants were robust and potent.