quick question


Well-Known Member
While at the dr last week my wife found out she was stomach cancer. The dr actually recommend marijuana to her (she already smokes) because shes lost 20lbs over 3 months. She told my wife it would help her be able to eat.

Were in a non mmj state but looking to make a move l. I already grow are personal smoke on a small scale. My question is, would i legally be able to tend to the garden? Yes i know i couldnt legally smoke and of the meds since i dont think id qualify for rec. She knows nothing about the hobby other then to pick out what strains to get from the tude lol. Thanks for any input in advance.
Hell if you already do it in a non mmj state, don't even worry about it here. Keep your mouth shut and there should be no problems.
Tehgenoc1de - thats what i was thinking we are both home bodys and no one other then my mom knows we currently grow. I just wasnt sure if they did random checks to see if your 215 compliant because if they asked her anything grow related she wouldnt know. But we are good at keeping the secret :)

Chris hydro - thanks for the support. She went in for blood work because both of her kidneys are failing and the result was finding about the cancer. Shes only 26 and very strong willed. I know she will kick cancers ass, if theres a will theres a way!
No one checks anything because there are way too many people holding a rec and not all of them grow. Waste of resources to check people.
I'm sort of in the exact opposite situation of the OP, I'm in Colorado and have a MMJ recommendation but because of the cost of living and other unusual circumstances , shortly after the New Year I've planned to move to a cheaper state where I know some people but that state is Non-MMJ. I feel a bit down about it but I'm not letting that stop me one bit. I'm going James Bond stealth-like when I get there. Going to get rid of my 2 grow tents I have now before I move and find a large armoire , gut it out, seal it up on the inside light and air tight,keep a fresh carbon filter exhaust at all times inside it, put a lock on it and continue growing. My health issue isn't cancer but I do have 7 bulging disc in my back and a degenerative joint disease diagnosis with records to back it up, too bad it won't mean squat with a cultivation charge in a non-MMJ state though.

And to think that I'm going to end up moving shortly after Colorado is voting on recreational legalization, man oh man. I do however strongly believe that Colorado is going to pass on amendment 64 bill which is going to create a domino effect of legalization bills nationwide.ONE STATE passing legalization is going to be the catalyst that changes marijuana laws nationwide. It's not so much the Feds that the average home grower-for-personal-use has to be concerned about but the local law authorities in the area that they live. What I hate is having to go back to being a bit paranoid and super stealth like after I move. It's not going to be too much longer, marijuana laws are about to start changing on the state level nationwide, the single state that passes recreational legalization is going to make history and it's about to happen.
Tehgenoc1de - thats what i was thinking we are both home bodys and no one other then my mom knows we currently grow. I just wasnt sure if they did random checks to see if your 215 compliant because if they asked her anything grow related she wouldnt know. But we are good at keeping the secret :)

Chris hydro - thanks for the support. She went in for blood work because both of her kidneys are failing and the result was finding about the cancer. Shes only 26 and very strong willed. I know she will kick cancers ass, if theres a will theres a way!

There are no random checks and there is no way they would know that you're growing if you tell no one.
Yes it it perfectly fine for u to tend to the garden trim it everything but posses it and have thc in ur system ....but if ur growing personal use there is very little chance u will be messed with and it's easy to get a card in a mmj state they give it to everyone just say ur back hurts and u got one ..it's really not hard just about everyone has one in Cali wich isn't always good u got every 18 year old punk runnin around with one thinkin there a big shot cause they can go to the club and grow a plant legal