quick question


Well-Known Member
While at the dr last week my wife found out she was stomach cancer. The dr actually recommend marijuana to her (she already smokes) because shes lost 20lbs over 3 months. She told my wife it would help her be able to eat.

Were in a non mmj state but looking to make a move. I already grow are personal smoke on a small scale. My question is, would i legally be able to tend to the garden? Yes i know i couldnt legally smoke and of the meds since i dont think id qualify for rec. She knows nothing about the hobby other then to pick out what strains to get from the tude lol. Thanks for any input in advance.
You can become a caretaker in some states. I'd highly suggest your wife start eating marijuana every day, not just for the nausia. Marijuana can actually cure cancer. The tricky part is that it has to physically come in contact with the cancer. It works well on skin cancer to rub concentrates on the cancer directly. The cannabinoids eat cancer. I don't know much about stomach cancer, but it seems likely that eating it would be a potential cure.
Thanks for the info man ill look into that to day. Maybe i need to just focus on edibles for her.