quick question?

001.jpg006.jpgmy friend told me turn my light off for a week then 12 n 12 them bci dont have the money to buy my powered nuets for about a week or to he said it would not hurt them

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
I read that turning off the light s will make more THB or somethin lik that. I started a post to get some advise to help me. chek it out


Well-Known Member
Most if not all plants will require some form of light in order just to survive let alone flourish, so my answer would be no. Like mentioned earlier letting the plant miss out on some nutes for a bit, is easier then trying to kill it and bring her back to life and expecting a great crop in the end.
should i keep them in veg og put them in flower and just wait till iget the newts ive got to much invested the seed cost me 900 for ten seeds if they die im out bout 200 grand i new at this so all the help i can get would be appericated



Well-Known Member
You can flower those babies any time you like, the longer you leave it vegging, bigger plant, the more crop...to a degree. ;)


Well-Known Member
should i keep them in veg og put them in flower and just wait till iget the newts ive got to much invested the seed cost me 900 for ten seeds if they die im out bout 200 grand i new at this so all the help i can get would be appericated
That's some serious investment capital....I personally would've been growing a couple of seasons before attempting anything close to that number {if at all}. And if the seeds cost $900 they should plant and harvest their own asses lol


Well-Known Member
should i keep them in veg og put them in flower and just wait till iget the newts ive got to much invested the seed cost me 900 for ten seeds if they die im out bout 200 grand i new at this so all the help i can get would be appericated
Invested WHAT? And your asking questions on a pot site? lol