Quick Soil Mix question..

3 Parts Miracle-Gro Organic Choice
1 Part Perlite
1 Part Worm castings

2 Tablespoon Dolomite lime per gallon
2 Tablespoon Bone meal per gallon
1 Tablespoon Kelp meal per gallon
1 Tablespoon Blood meal per gallon

Will this mix work okay? If anyone has suggestions for ammendments, feel free to let me know.

PS: Will this mix be okay for seedlings? Thanks


Well-Known Member
it looks like you have done your homework.
i personally would use a pro mix rather than miracle gro organic and also i would use way more perlite. i do 40% soil and 40% perlite and 20% ewcasting.


Well-Known Member
oh no not seedlings. this is for vegging. put the seeds in just the miracle gro organic. when they have a few sets of leaves you can start moving them to the mix you made.


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt read your post well the first time.

i also thing to keep bone meal out until flower.
Hey man, thanks for reply! What is Pro Mix? Is that a brand name? I heard Miracle Gro Organic was pretty decent but if you can convince me otherwise I might switch.
So, no Bone meal at all until close to flower time?


Well-Known Member
keep out the bone meal. pro mix is a synthetic soil. aka soiless. it allows you to control all nutes that go and control the ph. its just like dark dirt with nothing in it. thats why you are adding the essentials that you listed. this is what you want to do for sure, fuck the miracle grow unless you already have it. and the more perlite the better i do 40% at least. alot like half perlite. and put the seedlings in a smaller pot while that shit dries out and in the smaller pots only use pro mix-perlite. for one month or two. then put them in the dried out soil you made and water really good(transplant) then switch to 12/12 flower. if you are not using fem seeds then you may want to switch to 12/12 then go transplant only the fems.