Quick, Super Simple (3) Ingredient Edibles


First, I want to say hello to the forum, as I have found it to be very useful for a guy trying to learn about the different edibles and the like.

One of the things I was in search of when I was getting into edibles was finding simple recipes for coconut oil, which were both idiot proof, fast and very simple. I also wanted it tasty, and I've invented one last night that I wanted to share. This is for the simple-minded baker.

- Infused coconut oil
- Coco (chocolate) PB2 (Most grocery stores sell the smaller bottles of this as well)
- Roasted peanut pieces

Basically, you just combine equal parts infused coconut oil with (dry) Coco PB2. So, for example, 1/2 cup of oil to 1/2 cup of dried PB2 and mix.

Heat the oil on med-low and slowly add the coco PB2 to the oil. Once everything has been combined and has liquefied, then you're done. Now just pour the contents into some type of a candy mold, add a few crushed peanuts to each one and let chill in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Really reminds me (hints of) of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and again, it's just those three simple ingredients. (You could even get away without the peanuts if you wanted, but the added flavor and crunch is nice)

Coconut oil does melt at around 76, so these are best kept in the fridge.

