Quickest Safe Seedbank?


Well-Known Member
Was just wondering what the quickest seedbank shippin' to the US might be from you guys' experience...?

If possible i'd like to get it within a wk. b/c of time constraints.... was wondering if this would be possible with any good/well known/SAFE seedbanks?

As always i appreciate any and all suggestions/help that one is kind enough to offer!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey pimpster, dont know if it would help, but I order my seeds from seedboutuque.com. They are trustworthy and inexpensive, but the shipping takes about 2 weeks.

Brick Top

New Member
Any high rated seedbank will ship fast but after that you are at the mercy of the countries mail system and if you are in another country you then have your customs and mail service involved too.

A seedbank can ship the same day or the following day when you place your order but that does not always equate to fast shipping. I have ordered beans from Attitude and they took from 6 to 14 days and Attitude says 7 to 10 days for international shipping.

You are at the mercy of postal services and in some cases customs too and regardless of how fast a seedbank may ship things can still be slow.

These are reliable seedbanks:






Try to stick with one or more of them if you can.


Well-Known Member
WOW.... quick reply :)

Thanks for the info... i always am lookin for trustworthy sites and invite all to make a suggestion.... am still hopin to find some quick shippin too though.

Keep em' comin please!


Well-Known Member
attitude seeds...i ordered and seeds came within a week accompanied by 6 free seeds 5 thai ss and a gigabud not expecting too much but they were free

Brick Top

New Member
brick call me a grasshopper

Why, would you enjoy that?

pimpsterhl says he (I guess he) wants fast shipping. What does he expect, for someone here to guarantee that not only will a seedbank ship quickly but also that one or possibly two postal services and possibly a customs service will ship and process and deliver the order quickly?

That cannot be guaranteed by anyone here and not by any seedbank either. Once they ship the total delivery time is out of their hands and they have absolutely nothing to do with it once they ship.

I supplied links to very reliable seedbanks. Now all that has to be done is to pick a strain and order it. The faster that is done the faster the seeds will arrive and if that is of utmost importance why waste time asking people for what they believe might possibly happen in pimpsrerhl’s case or bother to tell him/her what happened in their case because their case is not his/her case so it is not valid or applicable.

The needed information is in hand so it is shit or get off the pot time if he/she means what was said about wanting beans as quickly as possible.

Is that understandable grasshopper?


Well-Known Member
brick... thx for tha info my last reply was directed mainly at kitten killer......i think we hit submit reply at the same time.

Anyway.... thx for the info....look like some good ones!

Any others are still welcome!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You live in the US? Be aware that if customs grabs it before you do, u will be receiving a letter and no seeds lol. Id suggest using someone elses address, a good friend that you can trust ya know? Safety first, then team work.


Well-Known Member
pimpsterhl says he (I guess he) wants fast shipping. What does he expect, for someone here to guarantee that not only will a seedbank ship quickly but also that one or possibly two postal services and possibly a customs service will ship and process and deliver the order quickly?
Well first off...if you had read my original post you would have seen that i ASKED THIS!

"If possible i'd like to get it within a wk. b/c of time constraints"


"was wondering IF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE with any good/well known/SAFE seedbanks?"

I also asked for any suggestions for ones that could be trusted even if they couldn't be here that quick....SO..

I would have to say that you should go ahead and roll one up instead of spewin' negative crap when all someone did is ask a question.... i asked if it was possible and instead of saying YES or NO or to that part of my question you drop "What does he expect...." ????

Why exactly? Because i asked a question and was wanting to know if anyone had experienced both quality and good luck in terms of shipping speed??? Yea... what did i expect?? To get an answer that's NOT loaded down with sarcasm?? I guess i shoulda known better huh?

I thanked ya for the info you supplied but as for your snide comment...chill out bro!:dunce::bigjoint:


i dont think he was snappin at you...which one are you going to go with?

Brick Top

New Member
Well first off...if you had read my original post you would have seen that i ASKED THIS!

"If possible i'd like to get it within a wk. b/c of time constraints"


"was wondering IF THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLE with any good/well known/SAFE seedbanks?"

I also asked for any suggestions for ones that could be trusted even if they couldn't be here that quick....SO..

I would have to say that you should go ahead and roll one up instead of spewin' negative crap when all someone did is ask a question.... i asked if it was possible and instead of saying YES or NO or to that part of my question you drop "What does he expect...." ????

Why exactly? Because i asked a question and was wanting to know if anyone had experienced both quality and good luck in terms of shipping speed??? Yea... what did i expect?? To get an answer that's NOT loaded down with sarcasm?? I guess i shoulda known better huh?

I thanked ya for the info you supplied but as for your snide comment...chill out bro!:dunce::bigjoint:

Look grasshopper, in your second message you said; "am still hopin to find some quick shippin too though."

So you want fast shipping, that is evidently clear since in your first message you also said; "what the quickest seedbank shippin' to the US might be from you guys' experience?"

So I gave you links to five seedbanks that are highly reliable and if you order something they have in stock and use a credit card or a debit card, and one that will work with them because for some reason some will not work for international orders, they will ship that day or the following day, that is business day(s) of course and not weekends or holidays.

How much faster do you want and need and expect shipping to be than that?

Another option was given making six seedbanks to pick from. At that point all you needed to do is pick a strain or strains and place your order.

You could have placed your order already, it only takes minutes once you pick a strain or strains, and for all I know you may have, but if not will wasting time waiting for more and more people to tell you their experiences from the past make your order arrive an hour or a day sooner so why continue to waste time asking for information about the past that will not be precisely the same in your case and therefore not applicable to your particular situation?

My experiences and the experiences of others are totally invalid beyond how fast any order left each seedbank because no seedbank can control Royal Mail and the U.S. Customs Service or the USPS (or whatever customs and mail service that anyone will have to rely on to deliver their order after Royal Mail is done with it). Since you have a list of seedbanks that ship as fast as any seedbank can ship how many more options do you require? There is very, very little that cannot be found at the six seedbanks so make a choice.

Your situation will be different, everyone’s situation will be different so what difference will it make or how in the wide, wide world of sports will your order arrive any faster by wasting time so you can read what happened to more people in the past?

Just search the seedbanks listed Grasshopper and pick the strain or strains you want the most from whichever seedbank or seedbanks you find them at and place your order and then sit back and chill and let Royal Mail and whatever mail and customs service that will be involved do their deed.

Asking for and then waiting for more and more people to say ‘well this is what happened when I ordered’ will not speed up the delivery time for your order and will in fact only make it longer before you place your order which means you wait longer overall before your order arrives.

Since you made it abundantly clear that speed is of the essence why are you waiting? Why didn’t you just say ‘got the info, gonna look and order now?’

Do you think that if you wait for everyone who will eventually respond to your question to respond someone will say ‘when I placed my order my beans were on an SST within an hour and at my door the following day?’

It just isn’t going to happen Grasshopper.

As I said, be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Syracuse.


Well-Known Member
Well i guess it's abundantly clear that YOU CLEARLY have lots of time.... how bout you either answer the question that's asked or keep you uppity comments to yourself?

As i said... i already thanked you for the info you gave but i swear people like you make folks that truly wanna learn something say to hell with sites like this whereas there are honest good folks that don't mind giving answers....

Firstly the customs problems that one may encounter could to at least some degree be countered by discreet packaging correct? Ya why would i wanna know if one site is quicker/safer than another?

And the reason i asked for more info is because on this site one tends to get VERY QUICK responses... i was hoping to get as MUCH info AS SOON AS POSSIBLE since i kinda need it soon...... GOD WHAT WAS I THINKIN? Well i shoulda known that is just a retarded thing to want.... why aim high when you can have just ONE person answer you and then run off if you're in a hurry?

And by the way... i'm not building rome am i? I asked for a hopefully rapid response to a SIMPLE question with good information from a few different sources. Maybe you shouldn't compare a simple question with the building of Rome so much.... Now can you please either leave another address that's trustworthy or stop runnin at the mouth dungbeetle?:finger:

Thanks blaze for the suggestion... i'm finishin checkin on the one's listed prior to this crap then i'll have a looksie. Prolly gonna be orderin by the end of the day so any more suggestions or comments on good service and quality are appreciated... i kinda wanted to check around since i've seen some large variation in price so i ask that you guys forgive me wanting to check around as much as i can b4 i buy. :hump:


as much as we would all love to get along, not everyone can. So have you placed your order yet? damn where did my DR. PEPPER go?