I treat mine as seedlings for 4 weeks, no nutes, nothing weird thrown at them. By the time they are 4 weeks, the true vegatative state begins. Yes they are in somewhat of a vegetative state before that, but their true vegetative growth begins at about 4 weeks.
If your plant was getting the 16 -18 hours of light per day that it needs right now it would probably be a lot bigger and closer to vegetative growth. It's going to try to flower early and never really hit that veg stage.
If you are giving your plant 12/12 light right now, you are going to stress it out and possibly hermie it. The plant interprets it as the end of the growing season and rushes to try to flower upsetting the delicate balance that millions of year of evolution has created.
Here's a pic of one of mine, it's 5 weeks old, been in a true veg state for about a week now.