Quietest in-line fans

Dragon Daddy

Well-Known Member
That’s about all I want to know, is what your choice is for the quietest in-line fan. I need 2 6” ones for 5x5’ tents and 1 4” for a 2x4’ tent.

what are the quietest in-line fans, period? Thanks
I'm curious if there even is an answer other than AC infinity. I have a Cloudline T6 and it's quiet as hell. I have it set to 7 and have to be within 15 feet or so to hear it and even then it is barely audible. It exhausts directly outside and standing right next to the vent, the only way I can tell it's running is smell or I can see the air moving the grass. Obviously this is all going to be relative. In my case, I work in my basement so I am constantly hearing the HVAC kick on and off as well as my dehumidifier, both of which are waaaayyyy louder than my AC infinity. Then add in my server rack which is quite loud. I will say, though, that it is night and day compared to my previous inline duct fan which was one of the Vivosun behemoths that sound like a fookin rocket engine.
Nice thing about the AC Infinity fans is that they use EC motors. When the speed is reduced, they actually get quieter. My original Vivosun fan would actually get louder as the speed was reduced due to the AC motor cutting in/out to regulate speed.

I would recommend the basic fan and the separate 67(?) controller. It's more versatile than the bundled controller and provids an "off speed" so that the fan will always run at a minimum speed and ramp up accordingly (a glaring omission with the bundled controller) Also has a useful phone app to monitor real-time or historical data.
Nice thing about the AC Infinity fans is that they use EC motors. When the speed is reduced, they actually get quieter. My original Vivosun fan would actually get louder as the speed was reduced due to the AC motor cutting in/out to regulate speed.

I would recommend the basic fan and the separate 67(?) controller. It's more versatile than the bundled controller and provids an "off speed" so that the fan will always run at a minimum speed and ramp up accordingly (a glaring omission with the bundled controller) Also has a useful phone app to monitor real-time or historical data.
The new controller looks great. The old fans from ac cant use it though so I have to wait until I replace them.
Almost anything with the body style of the AC Infinity Cloudline series (plastic body that opens up) are decently quiet. I have a cheapo iPower fan and it's fairly quiet under 50% power but gets significantly louder with the speed turned up. My buddy's Vivosun is similar, not too noisy if ran low.
My vivosun fan actually seems to get louder as the speed is reduced, a lower-pitched growling kind of noise. It's from the motor being rapidly started/stopped to vary speed. The secret sauce of the AC Infinity fan's are their EC motors which are virtually silent at any speed
Oversizing your fan, filter, silencer and ducting combo and running it at low speed is absolutely the best way I have found to keep the noise down. There is no hum created when you dim the AC Infinity fans tho I found if they are run above 5 then I can hear them running. Larger fans and filters also reduce the noise from air rushing through the filter and ducting, the wind speed is lower but the amount of air moved is higher so you are still replacing the air as needed just a lot more quietly.