R.O water PH TLO/Notill


New Member
Recently purchased an R.O unit due to hard water issues(stunted growth,scale on fabric pots). Ive been running a TLO/Notill setup for couple years now and never ran into PH issues with normal tap water. After running my R.O unit my water now has PH around 9 with a TDS around 40ppm. My question is whether or not i should be concerned with a PH this high, and if i should be using lemon juice or some type of PH down solution before waterings? Im hesitant to use PH down because ive heard it can have a negative affect on microbial/fungal activity. If anyone has any input or suggestions i would appreciate it.
-Thanks & Happy Growing!
I water with tap filtered through a sediment then catalytic carbon. It's 9 before and after. I don't pH at all.

I don't really like how wasteful RO is, but I'd try it as is, and only adjust if you need to.
I wouldn't worry about RO water PH if you have a good soil going, the water will adjust to the soils PH almost immediately. It's hard to accurately test PH in RO water because there's no dissolved solids in the water for the meters to read. It should be at 7.0 out of the unit, but will get more acidic if it's open to the environment. You can run straight RO without an issue, just need to make sure you have enough Ca, Mg and micro supplements in the soil mix.

An option to get some buffering capacity if it's needed, along with small levels of Ca, Mg and micros, is mixing some tap water into your RO at 50/50% or 25/75%.

What I do, and I'm in recycled organic soil, is I bring my RO to around .2 EC with Ca/Mg, then I add 1ml/L Liquid Karma for micros. I shoot for a total EC of no more than .4 and it ends up right around 6.4ph. My tap water has around 120ppm combined Ca/Mg, according to our water reports, with a total EC of .3, so I try to mimic it when I use RO. I know some people don't like adding bottled Ca/Mg with organics, but I can't see it being worse than the residuals coming out of the tap.
If your using RO then adding back tap why not just get a 2 stage whole house filter and insert a 5 micron sediment filter in the first filtration housing and a carbon filter in the second? It would be better than adding unfiltered water back to RO unless you know your water is clean.