Rabbits completely bit off the top of my plant


leaving only the stem remaining, should i just give up and repot another, or try and nurse this one back to health?


Well-Known Member
How big are they?

Or are you talking about seedlings? That's what it sounds like with "only the stem remaining". If it doesn't have any leaves then it can't make-a no photosynthesis.


Global Moderator
Staff member
You need to find this chick & introduce her to your "Problem".

Oregon woman has serious rabbit issues, police say

An Oregon woman reportedly violated her probation when police caught her in a motel room with 12 rabbits Tuesday. A few years ago, she was charged with owning (and failing to adequately care for) 250 rabbits. Her deal said that she wouldn't own any animals for five years, the AP reports. Snip:
Before her conviction, police said, she broke into a holding area to retrieve her rabbits. Four months after the plea deal, she was sent to jail for three days for having a rabbit.