Racism in the work place what can you do?


Active Member
Hey all,

I'm a asian working in a majority white workplace. there is one other asian and one black guy and the rest are all white, a staff of about 20 or so. For the most part everyone is pretty cool, but there is this one dude...

We'll call him DB. My first week DB let it be known that he was a racist and didn't care for asians with comments like "yeah i'm a racist and proud of it" and "where's that stray cat that used to hang around here? did you eat it?" other gems such as "all christians are white" and "you're more american than the other asian guy" (because I don't have a asian accent).

I didn't really let him get to me b/c it's just words and he is literally a mouth-breathing idiot. I got on pretty good by just ignoring him for the past year.

Well today, during break he almost hit me with his car while he was backing out and I was walking behind his car. He has a tendency to just gun it in reverse without looking, some sort of "being a badass" thing he does. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me. He was visibly agitated by this.

At the end of the day I was walking back from the time clock, DB was walking towards the timeclock, the path had more than enough room for two people abreast. he goes out of his way to walk into my shoulder with his forcibly shoving me backwards. I ignored him and left for the day. It took everything I had not to turn around and destroy him physically.

What can I do about this? What do you guys suggest? and does anyone have personal experience with when coworker conflicts turn physical?

He's a guy in his 50s with a useless hand (he cut off three fingers last year on the table saw) and I'm a guy in his 30s so I don't think it would be fair for me to retaliate physically, but if he does it again oh man... so what should i do?
Hey all,

I'm a asian working in a majority white workplace. there is one other asian and one black guy and the rest are all white, a staff of about 20 or so. For the most part everyone is pretty cool, but there is this one dude...

We'll call him DB. My first week DB let it be known that he was a racist and didn't care for asians with comments like "yeah i'm a racist and proud of it" and "where's that stray cat that used to hang around here? did you eat it?" other gems such as "all christians are white" and "you're more american than the other asian guy" (because I don't have a asian accent).

I didn't really let him get to me b/c it's just words and he is literally a mouth-breathing idiot. I got on pretty good by just ignoring him for the past year.

Well today, during break he almost hit me with his car while he was backing out and I was walking behind his car. He has a tendency to just gun it in reverse without looking, some sort of "being a badass" thing he does. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me. He was visibly agitated by this.

At the end of the day I was walking back from the time clock, DB was walking towards the timeclock, the path had more that enough room for two people abreast. he goes out of his way to walk into my shoulder with his forcibly shoving be backwards. I ignored him and left for the day. It took everything I had not to turn around and destroy him physically.

What can I do about this? What do you guys suggest? and does anyone have personal experience with when coworker conflicts turn physical?

He's a guy in his 50s with a useless hand (he cut off three fingers last year on the table saw) and I'm a guy in his 30s so I don't think it would be fair for me to retaliate physically, but if he does it again oh man... so what should i do?
youre going to have to put his penis in your mouth or kill him... those are your only two options
Hey all,

I'm a asian working in a majority white workplace. there is one other asian and one black guy and the rest are all white, a staff of about 20 or so. For the most part everyone is pretty cool, but there is this one dude...

We'll call him DB. My first week DB let it be known that he was a racist and didn't care for asians with comments like "yeah i'm a racist and proud of it" and "where's that stray cat that used to hang around here? did you eat it?" other gems such as "all christians are white" and "you're more american than the other asian guy" (because I don't have a asian accent).

I didn't really let him get to me b/c it's just words and he is literally a mouth-breathing idiot. I got on pretty good by just ignoring him for the past year.

Well today, during break he almost hit me with his car while he was backing out and I was walking behind his car. He has a tendency to just gun it in reverse without looking, some sort of "being a badass" thing he does. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me. He was visibly agitated by this.

At the end of the day I was walking back from the time clock, DB was walking towards the timeclock, the path had more that enough room for two people abreast. he goes out of his way to walk into my shoulder with his forcibly shoving be backwards. I ignored him and left for the day. It took everything I had not to turn around and destroy him physically.

What can I do about this? What do you guys suggest? and does anyone have personal experience with when coworker conflicts turn physical?

He's a guy in his 50s with a useless hand (he cut off three fingers last year on the table saw) and I'm a guy in his 30s so I don't think it would be fair for me to retaliate physically, but if he does it again oh man... so what should i do?
Give UncleBuck his name. That guy will be fired by the end of the day tomorrow.
If his name is Dave.....

I seen this shit before, what an asshole, sorry man, you shouldnt have to deal with that, and white people get it too.

I'd serve up cold dishes of revenge and say nothing about it to anyone. telling the boss, fighting......it all goes bad maybe.
flat tires, xlax in lunch, a few v iagra if you can spare them in his morning (hangover) coffee...you'll come up with something funner than quitting I hope.
Indeed this conundrum revolves around the number of dix op can fit in his mouth.
Hey all,

I'm a asian working in a majority white workplace. there is one other asian and one black guy and the rest are all white, a staff of about 20 or so. For the most part everyone is pretty cool, but there is this one dude...

We'll call him DB. My first week DB let it be known that he was a racist and didn't care for asians with comments like "yeah i'm a racist and proud of it" and "where's that stray cat that used to hang around here? did you eat it?" other gems such as "all christians are white" and "you're more american than the other asian guy" (because I don't have a asian accent).

I didn't really let him get to me b/c it's just words and he is literally a mouth-breathing idiot. I got on pretty good by just ignoring him for the past year.

Well today, during break he almost hit me with his car while he was backing out and I was walking behind his car. He has a tendency to just gun it in reverse without looking, some sort of "being a badass" thing he does. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me. He was visibly agitated by this.

At the end of the day I was walking back from the time clock, DB was walking towards the timeclock, the path had more than enough room for two people abreast. he goes out of his way to walk into my shoulder with his forcibly shoving me backwards. I ignored him and left for the day. It took everything I had not to turn around and destroy him physically.

What can I do about this? What do you guys suggest? and does anyone have personal experience with when coworker conflicts turn physical?

He's a guy in his 50s with a useless hand (he cut off three fingers last year on the table saw) and I'm a guy in his 30s so I don't think it would be fair for me to retaliate physically, but if he does it again oh man... so what should i do?
I read "I'm a Asian" and immediately thought about Asian food, then I stopped reading.

Does that make me racist or just a fat ass?
well race is a protected class in the American workplace. however there are the correct and incorrect channels of escalation.

incorrect would be to take a sledgehammer to his car, or his head.

Correct escalation of this would be:

1) Tell him the behavior bothers you. straight up - tell him you don't appreciate the way he is trying to intimidate you because of your race and can he please stop. you have to do it somewhere there are other people present to serve as a witness. After the verbal announcement be ready to write down whenever he harrasses/bothers you.

2) if he behavior continues you have to tell him again, then tell his manager in writing via a proper letter/memo. Send it in the mail and have it be certified receipt. It has to include words like 'hostile workplace environment' and 'harrassment' 'i feel unsafe' etc etc... write down any future instances where the co-worker bothers you after that and ask the manager for follow up (if they did anything or if they just let the culture of abuse continue).

3) if nothing happens AND the behavior continues after the letter and certified receipt of your complaint to the manager - you can go to the Equal Opportunity Employment Office near you and file a complaint. Be ready to provide all the documented accounts you have suffered and to provide them with a copy of the written complaint along with the certificate of receipt.

By law you cannot be retaliated against for denouncing workplace harrassment/abuse. The workplace is not 'the streets' or 'prison' there are no stitches and no bitches. You go in there to do work and you deserve to be able to work without being harrassed. Somebody wants to play bully they can find somewhere else to work....
thanks for the suggestions guys. unfortunately my plan of action will not involve sucking dick(s). another coworker has had problems with DB before but he has successfully de-escalated that situation, i'll see what he has to say and go from there. likely will involve a talk with DB directly, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone there as a witness? redivider your post was especially helpful, thank you
thanks for the suggestions guys. unfortunately my plan of action will not involve sucking dick(s). another coworker has had problems with DB before but he has successfully de-escalated that situation, i'll see what he has to say and go from there. likely will involve a talk with DB directly, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone there as a witness? redivider your post was especially helpful, thank you
your coworker obviously sucked some dix. if DB is still alive thats the only other option.

seriously though... talk to him about it. if hes still an asshole, fuck his wife
Zippo lighter fluid, squirt some on his crouch and light you bic and squirt some more thought the flame. After that just refer to him as hot dog.
Ohh and be sure to do it with a smile.

Or you could just make comments about counting to ten.

Or you break out the Asian porn .

Or you could ........... Ahh shit I lost my focus at porn.
well race is a protected class in the American workplace. however there are the correct and incorrect channels of escalation.

incorrect would be to take a sledgehammer to his car, or his head.

Correct escalation of this would be:

1) Tell him the behavior bothers you. straight up - tell him you don't appreciate the way he is trying to intimidate you because of your race and can he please stop. you have to do it somewhere there are other people present to serve as a witness. After the verbal announcement be ready to write down whenever he harrasses/bothers you.

2) if he behavior continues you have to tell him again, then tell his manager in writing via a proper letter/memo. Send it in the mail and have it be certified receipt. It has to include words like 'hostile workplace environment' and 'harrassment' 'i feel unsafe' etc etc... write down any future instances where the co-worker bothers you after that and ask the manager for follow up (if they did anything or if they just let the culture of abuse continue).

3) if nothing happens AND the behavior continues after the letter and certified receipt of your complaint to the manager - you can go to the Equal Opportunity Employment Office near you and file a complaint. Be ready to provide all the documented accounts you have suffered and to provide them with a copy of the written complaint along with the certificate of receipt.

By law you cannot be retaliated against for denouncing workplace harrassment/abuse. The workplace is not 'the streets' or 'prison' there are no stitches and no bitches. You go in there to do work and you deserve to be able to work without being harrassed. Somebody wants to play bully they can find somewhere else to work....

Ohh or maybe just say he touched my peepee
Hey all,

I'm a asian working in a majority white workplace. there is one other asian and one black guy and the rest are all white, a staff of about 20 or so. For the most part everyone is pretty cool, but there is this one dude...

We'll call him DB. My first week DB let it be known that he was a racist and didn't care for asians with comments like "yeah i'm a racist and proud of it" and "where's that stray cat that used to hang around here? did you eat it?" other gems such as "all christians are white" and "you're more american than the other asian guy" (because I don't have a asian accent).

I didn't really let him get to me b/c it's just words and he is literally a mouth-breathing idiot. I got on pretty good by just ignoring him for the past year.

Well today, during break he almost hit me with his car while he was backing out and I was walking behind his car. He has a tendency to just gun it in reverse without looking, some sort of "being a badass" thing he does. He had to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting me. He was visibly agitated by this.

At the end of the day I was walking back from the time clock, DB was walking towards the timeclock, the path had more than enough room for two people abreast. he goes out of his way to walk into my shoulder with his forcibly shoving me backwards. I ignored him and left for the day. It took everything I had not to turn around and destroy him physically.

What can I do about this? What do you guys suggest? and does anyone have personal experience with when coworker conflicts turn physical?

He's a guy in his 50s with a useless hand (he cut off three fingers last year on the table saw) and I'm a guy in his 30s so I don't think it would be fair for me to retaliate physically, but if he does it again oh man... so what should i do?
The first time that inbred said something derogatory about your race you should have put him in his place. Don't ever let someone think they're they can insult you and get away with it because they'll keep doing it. MAN UP ON HIM!!!! That being said since violence at the workplace is frowned upon take this immediately to HR and if nothing is done about it you have yourself a little lawsuit. Don't ever let another man disrespect your race.