Rain water to water plants?

New weed grower

Well-Known Member
Ive noticed my tap waters ph is a little high for my plants. So I stuck a bucket outside to collect rainwater to check the ph of that. If that ph is ok can I use that? Will the plants miss out on important crap that's in tap water? I assume it should be ok as normal outdoor plants use rain water but I want to be sure before I start messing around with it.
Depending on where you are there are other things you need to be concerned about. Like pollution within the rainwater itself. Id tread with caution on that one.... Where I live we have wells, I tested my water once, my aquafer is incredibly clean, my PPM from tap is 55. Im also rural, so id almost trust my rainwater if i was so inclined to collect it.
I mean, I get it. You're just trying to be safe. But it's rain, man. Plants and rain have had a special bond for a very long time.
Special bond aside. Plants in the wild are not being fed through stagnant, roof collected, probably poorly maintained collection systems. IMHO its a lot different then it just being out in the rain. Unless that is being constantly circulated, its turning into a cesspool of all kinds of nasties. Id use that water all day long for house plants, and the flower beds around my house. But you wont see me feeding my girls with it.
And before this gets out of hand. I love you, New weed grower, and I wish for much success to you and your plants. It's just kind of a silly question.
Wasn't going to get out of hand on my end. Was just about to thank you for your last post about the nutes making up the difference. Thanks for the luck too, I'm definitely going to need it :smile: lots of it ha ha