raining all day will kill my plant?


Active Member
my plant is outside not to far from my house and it is in a baby state at 2 half inches tall. when i put it out there it was perfectly colored and healthy. it has just rained for like 7 hours straight and a bit of on and off drizzles. the plant is in a dixie cup with a few holes at the bottom for drainage and i buried the cup about a half inch in dirt so wind wont knock it over.

Will my plant die from over watering? or will the excess water just flow out the bottom to the dirt? im very worried and haven't had time to check.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Pray for it to stop raining, and for the sun to come out. It's been raining for several days - in the Midwest - and the crops will be ruined if this keeps up.


Active Member
yea i hope it stops i live in new jersey so it will stop in a day or so. but we get like heavy storms for 1 day equal to loe 5 days of rain. i hope your plants are fine too =)


Active Member
Plants are supposed to grow outdoors and they nevertheless tend to survive through whatever disasters mother nature may induce. Just hope for the best!